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fiches par lemme
secorre1 v.
[FEW 12, 382b lt. SUCCURRERE – TL 9, 307; TL 9, 700; Gdf 7, 347 b; Gdf; GdfC 646c; AND 684a; AND 733a; AND 793b; AND 717 a; AND 717 a; AND 717 b; FEW 12, 382b; FEW; FEW; FEW 383a; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen; Chastell 222. – BorkQuatere p289; BorkQuatere p290; FennisGal S. 1645; FrankHart 231; MLR 80, 1985, 933; MedRom 8,1981-83,190; Morlet 287; Pope; R 1894, 424; RoPh 19, 370; RoPh 19, 635; ZrP 100, 1984; [sigle]; [sigle] 6, 284; 6, 309; [sigle]; [sigle] RenContrR.]
(cescourre ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H, cescours (sigles à datations multiples:) ParsonsCourt V 166, seccoeit EstFougK 753, seceure AliscW p. 20, v. 340, seceurent AlexParA 2, 921; var. t.5, secore EneasS1 4743, 5532; FloovA 1319, 2247, 2288. etc.; FloovB; CoincyI1...K 984var.; FournChansL; MartCanL; SMarg11T, secorir PhilomB 991; FolTristBernH2 390; SJeanEvW 419; ContGuillTyrRothA 2; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 6, 395; NoomenFabl 35/36, secorne BodelFablN 8, 309; 3, 54; 8, 284, secorre WaceMargaK 150; CharroiM 359, 364, 440; CharroiPo t. II, 175; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 5168, 5547; FloreaK 3068; FloreaW 3046; ChronSMichelB 1596, 107, 3884; RouH; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F; CligesG; CligesM 1735; FlorebK 1882, 716; AlexParA 2, (β60) 1002, var. t. 5; ProtH; AimonFlH 698, 3309; RenR 7, 9, 9176; VengAlE p125; VMortHélW 7,8; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; GuiotProvinsO 1730; PriseCordD 318, 245, 1459, 384; SGenB 2342; EscoufleS 1220; BibleGuiotW; GirVianeE; GirVianeY 79, 3705; GuibAndrM 1364; MeraugisF 4135; Perl1N; SGraalIIIJostO; BestGuillR 1164; AimeriD 4 104; 2819 tr. 1; FlorenceW; HervisH; MortAymC 1428, 2096, 2650, 927; BlancandS; Bueve1S; DurmG; DurmS 4254; GuillTyrP 23; CoincyChristO; LancPrK; LancPrM 10,7; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr; CoincyI28/II12D 2, 188; MorPhilP 5619; PeanGatSöderh 6448; TristPrC 257, 1, 13, 21; TournAntW 2876, 2961; AnsCartA; ArtusS 12,3; 133, 26; 230,4; SJulPrS 557; CourLouiscLe; HuonR 95, 273; Pères69B 348; PhNovAgesF 178; RègleSBenDouceD 31, 61; VivMonbrancE 209; CharroicL; ClarisA 825, 900; EnfRenC; ChastSGilS 109, 275; JPrioratR 6886; SThibAlH 2, 689; PamphGalM 952; DébCorpsArrL 348; GuiNantvProlC 142, 792, 234; MirNDPers1-40P 2, 12,13; 1128; etc.; JMoteVoieP; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 18,62;19, 12; BartschHorning 332, 24; 367, 2; MontRayn 4, 104; NoomenFabl t. 5, 479, 45 141; NoomenFabl t. 7, 448; 80112; 82 6 14, Secorre RutebL, SECORRE GuillPalMo, secorrent DolopL, secorron GerbMetzT, secoru AlexParA 2, (β106) 16,1, var.t. 5; GilChinP, secorut AttilaPrB, Secorut BibleMacéL, secoruz AliscW p. 152, v. 2594, secour EdmK 2189; DoonRocheM 2803; CoincyI1...K 917var., secoure AlexParA 2, (β59), 983; PBeauvGerJ; PeanGatSöderh; JacVitrytB S. 214; JMeunVégR 120; JCondM; BelleHelR 895b, 12973; [GodBouillBruxR], Secoure VillehW, secouri ProprChosMirK, secourir JordRufmP; ClefD 3408, 66, 1351; [FierPrM; PassTroyB 1, 5472], sécourir (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 122, secourre CoucyChansL 7,42; 13,34; 24,18; 28,29; PrêtreJeand/yG 612,32; BodelNicH 519,1230, 1265; SGraalIIJosO; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; RenclCarH; CoincyII9Kr 1030,1031; ViolB; TristPrR; FolLancB; GilChinP; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 137,6; 140,26; 141,7; BraiCordO 102; MenReimsP 106, 124,148, etc.; MenReimsW; VMortAnW 270, 12; BeaumCoutS 383, 387, 923; JobB 928; JobG 928; R 1297 05 30 01 24; VRP 1297 05 30 01 24; JoinvW1 58a, 178a, 1827, 150b, 172b; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 43,7; 49,18; 54,14,30; ChaceOisiM; ChaceOisiM; GeoffrParChronD 1360, 7082, 157,etc.; SGregJeanS; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr11W; TombChartrProl/4...W; ChevPapH 14,23, etc.; [SEust10P 117,557; FierPrMi 205]; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 90; StimmingMot, Secourre VillehW, secourrir CoincyI1...K 405 var., secouru AlexParA 2, (β 106) 16, 1; CoincyII1...K 103 var.; GilChinP, secourus CoincyI1...K 1386 var., securent HemH 946, securre BenDucM I, p. 393, v. 8971; BibleEntS 2085; docJuBe155 7, segourre BibleEntS 4741, sekeur CoincyI1...K 90 var., sekeure ChevVivM; ChevVivM; GuillDoleL 1006; CoincyII1...K 2528 var.; TristPrS; AdHaleRobL 375; AdHaleRobV 358; [FroissBallB]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t 9, 358b, sekeurent ChansArtB XVIII, 124.; GilChinP, sekeurt CoincyI1...K, sekorre (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 22,358; 6,104; 28,244, sekur FevresOe p. 32, seoreussent ContGuillTyrA 2, seqeurre MoniotArrD XXVII,43, sequere GilChinP, sequerir JMeunTestB, sequert CoincyI1...K 984var., sequeure AlexParA II(ß48)14; BibleGuiotW; ViolB; RoselLec; TristPrC; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; JSQuentO; BelleHelR 896a; [MenagB 17,3; AndrVigneSMartD 5190]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 288; NoomenFabl t.6,396; NoomenFabl t.8,432; NoomenFabl II; ReidFabl, sequeurent FlorenceW 368a, sequeurre CoincyII1...K 314var., sequeurt CoincyI11V 512; LaurinT, Sequorre BibleMacéL, sequoru CoincyI1...K 1386var., soccorre CoincyChristO, soccourre AngDialGregP; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 2524, 2833, 10296 etc.; AngDialGregO2 9081, 9083, soccurre JacBaisT II 74, socore AdamG3 334, 524; ThomKentF 1921, 3063, 1923; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 7, 449, socorrai ThebesC, socorre BenTroieC; HornP; AdamA 334, 522; AdamSt 334, 522; SBernCantG; CantLandP 2522; AmbroiseP 2495; BueveAgnS 3055, 3525; BestGuillR 829; DurmG; DurmS 4254; AntAnW, socorut (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 967, socoure Aiol1/2F 4766; FoukeB 14, 4; FoukeH 11.30, 52. 14, socuranz BenDucM I, p. 233, socure WaceNicR 249, etc.; SimFreineGeorgM 521, 1197; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 360, 649, 2574; TurpinBrianeS, socurre CommPsia1G 1018.9; BenDucM I, p. 368, v. 8252, socurust BesantR 1765, sorcourre (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 5028, soucorre AliscW p. 405 v.CLIXa6var; SDomM; GilMuisK 352a; I, 378, 7; 393, 4; II, 2, 24; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 967, soucoru ChevVivM, soucourast (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 967, soucouru ChevVivM, succure RègleHospCamS 1473; ModvB2 1688, 2368, 6495, Succure MirAgn2K; EvNicAgnP, succurit AlNeckUtensH p 257, succurre BrendanW S 208; AdgarK XIII 88; SJeanAumU, succurrez ChardryDormM 404, sucurat PhThCompS 19v, 1815, sucure AdamG3; ProtH; SJeanAumU; SecrSecrAbernB, sucurer PurgSPatrCamZ, sucurez (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, sucurir TristThomB 2751; TristThomW D 1479; HArciPèresO 4057, sucurre RolB p 478-479; MarieGuigW2 Ch 104; HornP; SThomGuernW1 2639; MarieFabW2; WaldefH 975, 4581, 6685, sucurse AlNeckUtensH p 246, suecure EdConfVatS)
- ◆1o“porter secours” (RolB p 478-479; BrendanW S 208; PhThCompS 19v, 1815; WaceMargaK 150; CharroiM 359, 364, 440; CharroiPo t. II, 175; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 5168, 5547; WaceNicR 249, etc.; EneasS1 4743, 5532; FloreaK 3068; FloreaW 3046; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 1596, 107, 3884; CommPsia1G 1018.9; MarieGuigW2 Ch 104; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP; HornP; PhilomB 991; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 393, v. 8971; BenDucM I, p. 233; BenDucM I, p. 368, v. 8252; SThomGuernW1 2639; AdamA 334, 522; AdamG3; AdamG3 334, 524; AdamSt 334, 522; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 4766; CligesG; CligesM 1735; EstFougK 753; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XIII 88; EdmK 2189; FlorebK 1882, 716; AlexParA 2, (β106) 16,1, var.t. 5; AlexParA 2, (β59), 983; AlexParA 2, (β 106) 16, 1; AlexParA 2, (β60) 1002, var. t. 5; AlexParA II(ß48)14; AlexParA 2, 921; var. t.5; ProtH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 1473; AimonFlH 698, 3309; RenR 7, 9, 9176; SBernCantG; ThomKentF 1921, 3063, 1923; TristThomB 2751; TristThomW D 1479; AliscW p. 152, v. 2594; AliscW p. 20, v. 340; AliscW p. 405 v.CLIXa6var; CoucyChansL 7,42; 13,34; 24,18; 28,29; FloovA 1319, 2247, 2288. etc.; FloovB; GerbMetzT; SimFreineGeorgM 521, 1197; VengAlE p125; PrêtreJeand/yG 612,32; BodelNicH 519,1230, 1265; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 7,8; AlNeckUtensH p 257; AlNeckUtensH p 246; CantLandP 2522; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; GuiotProvinsO 1730; PriseCordD 318, 245, 1459, 384; SGenB 2342; EscoufleS 1220; GuillDoleL 1006; VillehW; VillehW; AmbroiseP 2495; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 3055, 3525; ChardryDormM 404; DoonRocheM 2803; FolTristBernH2 390; GirVianeE; GirVianeY 79, 3705; GuibAndrM 1364; GuillPalMo; MeraugisF 4135; PBeauvGerJ; Perl1N; SGraalIIIJostO; SJeanAumU; SJeanAumU; WaldefH 975, 4581, 6685; BestGuillR 1164; BestGuillR 829; AngDialGregP; AimeriD 4 104; 2819 tr. 1; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 360, 649, 2574; FlorenceW; FlorenceW 368a; HervisH; MortAymC 1428, 2096, 2650, 927; TurpinBrianeS; BlancandS; Bueve1S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 4254; DurmS 4254; GuillTyrP 23; MoniotArrD XXVII,43; CoincyChristO; CoincyChristO; LancPrK; LancPrM 10,7; DolopL; CoincyI1...K 917var.; CoincyI1...K 984var.; CoincyI1...K 1386 var.; CoincyI1...K 984var.; CoincyI1...K 90 var.; CoincyI1...K 1386var.; CoincyI1...K; CoincyI1...K 405 var.; CoincyI11V 512; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr; CoincyI28/II12D 2, 188; MorPhilP 5619; PeanGatSöderh 6448; PeanGatSöderh; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 419; BesantR 1765; ChansArtB XVIII, 124.; CoincyII1...K 103 var.; CoincyII1...K 314var.; CoincyII1...K 2528 var.; CoincyII9Kr 1030,1031; ViolB; ViolB; ModvB2 1688, 2368, 6495; RoselLec; TristPrC 257, 1, 13, 21; TristPrC; TristPrR; TristPrS; TournAntW 2876, 2961; AnsCartA; ArtusS 12,3; 133, 26; 230,4; FolLancB; FournChansL; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; SJulPrS 557; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 137,6; 140,26; 141,7; MirAgn2K; AntAnW; BibleEntS 2085; BibleEntS 4741; BraiCordO 102; ContGuillTyrA 2; CourLouiscLe; HArciPèresO 4057; HuonR 95, 273; PhNovAgesF 178; Pères69B 348; RègleSBenDouceD 31, 61; VivMonbrancE 209; SDomM; MenReimsP 106, 124,148, etc.; MenReimsW; ContGuillTyrRothA 2; RutebL; VMortAnW 270, 12; SecrSecrAbernB; CharroicL; ClarisA 825, 900; EnfRenC; EvNicAgnP; JacVitrytB S. 214; JordRufmP; MartCanL; HemH 946; ClefD 3408, 66, 1351; BeaumCoutS 383, 387, 923; ChastSGilS 109, 275; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; JMeunVégR 120; LaurinT; AdHaleRobL 375; AdHaleRobV 358; AttilaPrB; JPrioratR 6886; JobB 928; JobG 928; SThibAlH 2, 689; BodelFablN 8, 309; 3, 54; 8, 284; JMeunTestB; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL; FevresOe p. 32; JacBaisT II 74; JoinvW1 58a, 178a, 1827, 150b, 172b; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 43,7; 49,18; 54,14,30; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisiM; ChaceOisiM; FoukeB 14, 4; FoukeH 11.30, 52. 14; PamphGalM 952; JSQuentO; GeoffrParChronD 1360, 7082, 157,etc.; JCondM; DébCorpsArrL 348; SGregJeanS; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr11W; TombChartrProl/4...W; GuiNantvProlC 142, 792, 234; ProprChosMirK; MirNDPers1-40P 2, 12,13; 1128; etc.; JMoteVoieP; BelleHelR 895b, 12973; BelleHelR 896a; ChevPapH 14,23, etc.; GilMuisK 352a; I, 378, 7; 393, 4; II, 2, 24; SMarg11T; [GodBouillBruxR; SEust10P 117,557; FroissBallB; FierPrM; FierPrMi 205; MenagB 17,3; PassTroyB 1, 5472; AndrVigneSMartD 5190]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 2524, 2833, 10296 etc.; AngDialGregO2 9081, 9083; AngDialGregO2 5028; Aspland 22,358; 6,104; 28,244; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 18,62;19, 12; BartschHorning 332, 24; 367, 2; ConstHamelR 288; MontRayn 4, 104; NoomenFabl t. 5, 479, 45 141; NoomenFabl t. 7, 448; 80112; 82 6 14; NoomenFabl t.6,396; NoomenFabl t.8,432; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl t 9, 358b; NoomenFabl t. 6, 395; NoomenFabl 35/36; NoomenFabl t. 7, 449; ParsonsCourt V 166; RecHist 90; RecHist 122; RecHist XXII, 967; RecHist 967; RecHist 967; ReidFabl; StimmingMot, BorkQuatere p289; BorkQuatere p290; FennisGal S. 1645; FrankHart 231; MLR 80, 1985, 933; MedRom 8,1981-83,190; Morlet 287; Pope; R 1894, 424; RoPh 19, 370; RoPh 19, 635; ZrP 100, 1984; [sigle]; [sigle] 6, 284; 6, 309; [sigle]; [sigle] RenContrR, TL 9, 307; TL 9, 700; Gdf 7, 347 b; Gdf; GdfC 646c; AND 684a; AND 733a; AND 793b; AND 717 a; AND 717 a; AND 717 b; FEW 12, 382b; FEW; FEW; FEW 383a; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen; Chastell 222)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (R 1297 05 30 01 24; VRP 1297 05 30 01 24; docJuBe155 7)
fiches par lemme
●desecorre v.
(desecorre (sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrV 1339)
- ◆“refuser l’aide” ((sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrV 1339)
fiches par lemme
●ensecorre v.
[Gdf 3, 238a; FEW 12, 383a. – R 69, 487.]
- ◆“secourir” (R 69, 487, Gdf 3, 238a; FEW 12, 383a)
fiches par lemme
●entresecorre v.
- ◆“se secourir mutuellement” (BenDucF 40431; LancPrK 190.25; [FierPrM 2735])
fiches par lemme
●secor m.
[TL 9, 303; TL 9, 309; Gdf 7, 347c; Gdf 7, 348a; Gdf 7, 348a; Gdf; GdfC 643a; AND 684b; AND 684b; AND 733a; AND 733a; AND 733b; AND 717 a; AND 717 a; AND 717 b; AND 717 b; AND 717 b; AND 725b; FEW 12, 383 a; FEW; FEW; FEW 383b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 222; DiStefLoc 791. – BPH 1892 p. 1892; p. 200, Z. 33; BorkQuatere p289; Delisle 726; FennisGal S. 1646; HoltusEntree 163, 451; LebsanftGruß p. 382, 516; MessnerBers 32; Morlet 287; Pope A.N. 119; R 83, p. 272; R 82, p. 220; R 82, p. 210; RLiR 50, 1986, 122; Runk p. 34; ZrP 101 (1985) 121; [sigle].]
(cecor HervisH, cecore AlexParA I,var.140, 2935, cecorrai HervisH, seceurs (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 23, 1112, secor BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 4198, 6303, 10576; AlexParA 2, 900, var. t.5; ChGuillI; VilVersonD z. 127; OgDanAlC, SECOR GuillPalMo, Secore RobDiableL, secorés AndrContrN 18,, 34; 19, 11, secorges BenDucM 1, p. 232; v. 4293, secors WaceMargmK 150; WaceConcA 1090; CharroiPo t. 2, 175; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 1335, 1421; ChronSMichelB 1613, 3889, 3936; PhilomB 1158, 1231; CligesM 1932; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1765; AlexParA 4, 1355, var. t.7; AlexParA 2, 215,81,1898; AliscG p261; SGraalIIJosO; CantLandP 769; GuiotProvinsO p. 798; SGenB 1584, 1667, 3620; BibleGuiotW 799; PBeauvGerJ; SGraalIIIJostO; MortAymC 349, 444, 1607; BlancandS 5260; Bueve1S 1398, 5974, 4540; DurmG 11818; LancPrK; ChMa001 16; AndrContrN; ArtusS 51, 1, 61,6, 77,8, 215, 7; GilChinP 5117; SJulPrS 558; chCOr016 4; chCOr016 6; PhNovMémK 14; MenReimsW; HunbautW 1825*; HunbautW 2342; CharroicL; SidracH p. 219; R 1285 03 32 01 66; R 1285 03 32 01 68; MercierM 802; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 19, 267; 22,133; 60,101; BartschHorning 163,15; 404,6; 467,3; NoomenFabl t. 7, 448, 77221; NoomenFabl t. 9, 358a; NoomenFabl t. 431, 93 47; StimmingMot, Secors VillehW; ChiproisR, secorso OgDanAlC 1133, 1294, 2100, Secort SermMaurpB, secours AlexParA 4, 443,1; AimonFlH 6933, 9718; CoucyChansL 14,19; 15,15; 19,27; FloovA 1928, 2009, 2434, 2413; BodelNicH 171, 323, 336, 484, 553, 1256; BibleGuiotW I, 32; Bueve2S 12 834, 5116, 11 261; Bueve3S 4113, 6598, 7344, etc.; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyI1...K 113 var.; CoincyI1...K 120 var.; CoincyI1...K 50 var.; RenclCarH; ChansArtB 14, 117; CoincyII1...K 365 var.; TournAntW 2654; MenReimsP 108, 209, 454; AnticlC 1114, 1508; VMortAnW 280,8; AdHalePartN 5, 27; BibleMalkBu; RM 1285 03 32 01 66; RM 1285 03 32 01 68; CourtAmsS 1658; JoinvW1 58a; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 62,1; ChaceOisiM; GeoffrParChronD 539, 2113, etc.; JCondM; JMoteVoieP 2248; ChevPapH 14,30; [GaceBuigneB 4832-3]; (sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrP 1, 54, sequeur AlexParA II(ß101)11, sequeurs CoincyI1...K 120var.; CoincyI17R 90; [MistHag6S 499], soccors CoincyChristO 1103, 1692, soccours (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 1943, 2837, 6412 etc., socor EntreeT 12241, socors BenTroieC; AdamA 337; AdamG3 337; AdamSt 337; BestGuillR 3866; DurmG, Socors RobDiableL, socour CroisRichJ; [JPreisMyrG], socours BueveAgnS 518; FoukeH 37.2, socurs HornP; HornP; SimFreineGeorgM 600; BibleDécb/eN; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 562, 952, 1355, soucors ChevVivM; ChevVivM E708A/5, 832/10; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 967, succur LapidffS 33, succurs SGillesP 1728; SThomBenS 783, 1044; RègleHospCamS 813, 1404, 1493; ChardryPletM 1594; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid A 33, Succurs MirAgn2K, sucur ApocGiffR 2227, 2551, sucurs RolB 2562; BrendanW S 208; 961; 289, 718; PhThCompS 19r, 1758; MarieChievreRi 60; MarieGuigW2 G 457, B 76, L 38, 468; HornP 4787, 5122; SThomGuernW2 5920; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XXIX 73, 84, XXXI 49; ProtH; AlNeckUtensH p 247; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; SEdmPassG 508n; NicBozCharV, suecurs EdConfVatS)
- ◆1o“aide” (RolB 2562; BrendanW S 208; 961; 289, 718; LapidffS 33; PhThCompS 19r, 1758; WaceMargmK 150; WaceConcA 1090; CharroiPo t. 2, 175; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 1335, 1421; ChronSMichelB 1613, 3889, 3936; MarieChievreRi 60; MarieGuigW2 G 457, B 76, L 38, 468; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP 4787, 5122; HornP; HornP; PhilomB 1158, 1231; BenDucF; BenDucM 1, p. 232; v. 4293; SThomGuernW2 5920; AdamA 337; AdamG3 337; AdamSt 337; Aiol1/2F 4198, 6303, 10576; CligesM 1932; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1765; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XXIX 73, 84, XXXI 49; SGillesP 1728; SThomBenS 783, 1044; AlexParA 2, 900, var. t.5; AlexParA 4, 443,1; AlexParA II(ß101)11; AlexParA 4, 1355, var. t.7; AlexParA 2, 215,81,1898; AlexParA I,var.140, 2935; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 813, 1404, 1493; AimonFlH 6933, 9718; AliscG p261; CoucyChansL 14,19; 15,15; 19,27; FloovA 1928, 2009, 2434, 2413; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; SimFreineGeorgM 600; BodelNicH 171, 323, 336, 484, 553, 1256; SGraalIIJosO; AlNeckUtensH p 247; CantLandP 769; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E708A/5, 832/10; GuiotProvinsO p. 798; SGenB 1584, 1667, 3620; VillehW; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW I, 32; BibleGuiotW 799; BueveAgnS 518; ChardryPletM 1594; GuillPalMo; PBeauvGerJ; SEdmPassG 508n; SGraalIIIJostO; BestGuillR 3866; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 562, 952, 1355; HervisH; HervisH; MortAymC 349, 444, 1607; BlancandS 5260; Bueve1S 1398, 5974, 4540; Bueve2S 12 834, 5116, 11 261; Bueve3S 4113, 6598, 7344, etc.; DurmG 11818; DurmG; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO 1103, 1692; LancPrK; CoincyI1...K 113 var.; CoincyI1...K 120 var.; CoincyI1...K 50 var.; CoincyI1...K 120var.; CoincyI17R 90; RenclCarH; ChansArtB 14, 117; CoincyII1...K 365 var.; TournAntW 2654; AndrContrN 18,, 34; 19, 11; AndrContrN; ArtusS 51, 1, 61,6, 77,8, 215, 7; GilChinP 5117; SJulPrS 558; MirAgn2K; VilVersonD z. 127; SermMaurpB; PhNovMémK 14; MenReimsP 108, 209, 454; MenReimsW; AnticlC 1114, 1508; HunbautW 1825*; HunbautW 2342; VMortAnW 280,8; CharroicL; AdHalePartN 5, 27; BibleMalkBu; CroisRichJ; SidracH p. 219; ApocGiffR 2227, 2551; CourtAmsS 1658; MercierM 802; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 58a; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 62,1; ChaceOisiM; FoukeH 37.2; OgDanAlC 1133, 1294, 2100; OgDanAlC; GeoffrParChronD 539, 2113, etc.; JCondM; ChiproisR; EntreeT 12241; JMoteVoieP 2248; ChevPapH 14,30; [GaceBuigneB 4832-3; JPreisMyrG; MistHag6S 499]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 1943, 2837, 6412 etc.; BartschChrest 19, 267; 22,133; 60,101; BartschHorning 163,15; 404,6; 467,3; GarLorrP 1, 54; NoomenFabl t. 7, 448, 77221; NoomenFabl t. 9, 358a; NoomenFabl t. 431, 93 47; PannierLapid A 33; RecHist 23, 1112; RecHist 967; StimmingMot, BPH 1892 p. 1892; p. 200, Z. 33; BorkQuatere p289; Delisle 726; FennisGal S. 1646; HoltusEntree 163, 451; LebsanftGruß p. 382, 516; MessnerBers 32; Morlet 287; Pope A.N. 119; R 83, p. 272; R 82, p. 220; R 82, p. 210; RLiR 50, 1986, 122; Runk p. 34; ZrP 101 (1985) 121; [sigle], TL 9, 303; TL 9, 309; Gdf 7, 347c; Gdf 7, 348a; Gdf 7, 348a; Gdf; GdfC 643a; AND 684b; AND 684b; AND 733a; AND 733a; AND 733b; AND 717 a; AND 717 a; AND 717 b; AND 717 b; AND 717 b; AND 725b; FEW 12, 383 a; FEW 383b; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 222; DiStefLoc 791)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa001 16; chCOr016 4; chCOr016 6; R 1285 03 32 01 66; R 1285 03 32 01 68; RM 1285 03 32 01 66; RM 1285 03 32 01 68)
fiches par lemme
●secorable adj.
[TL 9, 304; Gdf; GdfC 646; AND 733b; AND 717 a; AND 717 a; FEW 12, 283a; FEW; DelbMat.]
(secorable WaceConcA 1074; BenDucF 4094, 25464, SECORABLE Pères51R1, secourable FloreaK 742; FloreaW 742; RouH var. III 1066; Bueve3S 2544; EnfGuillH 174c, 1519; ChansPieusJ 89, 13; [DeschQ 6, 171], SECOURAULE SCathCarlM, soccourable (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 12906, socorable AmbroiseP 47, 3065, 8635, socurable WaceNicR 229, 1144, socurables BenDucM I, p. 149, v. 1930, suc(c)ur(r)able CantKiVotH 2037, 2470, succurable HArciPèresO 5647, sucurable AdgarN 237, 516; SGillesP 480, sucurables EdConfVatS; AlNeckUtensH p 248)
- ◆“qui est porté à secourir les autres” (WaceConcA 1074; WaceNicR 229, 1144; FloreaK 742; FloreaW 742; EdConfVatS; RouH var. III 1066; BenDucF 4094, 25464; BenDucM I, p. 149, v. 1930; AdgarN 237, 516; SGillesP 480; AlNeckUtensH p 248; AmbroiseP 47, 3065, 8635; Bueve3S 2544; EnfGuillH 174c, 1519; SCathCarlM; ChansPieusJ 89, 13; HArciPèresO 5647; Pères51R1; CantKiVotH 2037, 2470; [DeschQ 6, 171]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 12906, TL 9, 304; Gdf; GdfC 646; AND 733b; AND 717 a; AND 717 a; FEW 12, 283a; FEW; DelbMat)
fiches par lemme
●secorance f.
[TL 9, 305; Gdf 7, 346c; FEW 12, 383a. – R 41, 240,39.]
- ◆“secours, aide” (RolB 1405; RCambrM; EnfRenC; GuillMachC; [DeschQ 7, 78], R 41, 240,39, TL 9, 305; Gdf 7, 346c; FEW 12, 383a)
fiches par lemme
●secorant adj.
[TL 9, 305; Gdf 7, 346c; Gdf.]
- ◆“secourable” (TL 9, 305; Gdf 7, 346c; Gdf)
fiches par lemme
●secoreor m.
[TL 9, 306; Gdf 7, 347b; AND 684b; FEW 12, 383a.]
(secoreor BenDucF 12817)
- ◆“celui qui secourt” (BenDucF 12817, TL 9, 306; Gdf 7, 347b; AND 684b; FEW 12, 383a)
fiches par lemme
●secorer v.
[TL 9, 307; Gdf 7, 347b; FEW 12, 283a; Gdf; AND 725b; FEW XII, 383a; Gdf. – CapussoMPol p. 104; MantouVoc 51, 171; MantouVoc N.1319.9.]
- ◆“secourir” (LancPrM 18,4; AnticlC 841; PassCeliW; FevresS; GesteFrancorR 7022; GesteFrancorR 3053, 2747, ecc.; OgDanAlC 176, 181, 857, 1508, 2520, 1902, 476, 961, 3322, 972, 437; FevresS 162b-24, 193-14, 299-18, 299b-2; [JPreisMyrG], CapussoMPol p. 104; MantouVoc 51, 171; MantouVoc N.1319.9, TL 9, 307; Gdf 7, 347b; FEW 12, 283a; Gdf; AND 725b; FEW XII, 383a; Gdf)
fiches par lemme
●secoriste ?
[ARom 9 (1925) 30, v. 8593.]
- ◆“?” (ARom 9 (1925) 30, v. 8593)
fiches par lemme
●secorrement m.
[TL 9,305; Gdf 7, 347a; Gdf; AND 733a; FEW 12, 383a.]
(secoremant Saisna/lB 1105, 940°/ 6738°, secorement AnsCartA 7016 B, secourement DébCorpsArrL 280, secourrement (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid C 250, socorement ThebesC, succorremant docJuBe040 3, succurement LapidffS 36, 156b; LapidffS 36; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid A 36, succurremant docJuBe097 3; docJuBe131 3; docJuBe132 2; docJuBe138 3, succurrement docJuBe052 3; docJuBe053 3; docJuBe061 3; docJuBe067 3; docJuBe070 3; docJuBe072 3; docJuBe074 3; docJuBe075 2; docJuBe077 3; docJuBe079 3; docJuBe081 3; docJuBe087bis 3; docJuBe088 3; docJuBe092 3; docJuBe099 3; docJuBe103 3; docJuBe106 3; docJuBe113 3; docJuBe118 3; docJuBe119 3; docJuBe129 3; docJuBe157 3; docJuBe166 3, sucurrement docJuBe275 3)
- ◆1o“secours” (LapidffS 36, 156b; LapidffS 36; Saisna/lB 1105, 940°/ 6738°; AnsCartA 7016 B; DébCorpsArrL 280; ThebesC; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid A 36; PannierLapid C 250, TL 9,305; Gdf 7, 347a; Gdf; AND 733a; FEW 12, 383a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe040 3; docJuBe052 3; docJuBe053 3; docJuBe061 3; docJuBe067 3; docJuBe070 3; docJuBe072 3; docJuBe074 3; docJuBe075 2; docJuBe077 3; docJuBe079 3; docJuBe081 3; docJuBe087bis 3; docJuBe088 3; docJuBe092 3; docJuBe097 3; docJuBe099 3; docJuBe103 3; docJuBe106 3; docJuBe113 3; docJuBe118 3; docJuBe119 3; docJuBe129 3; docJuBe131 3; docJuBe132 2; docJuBe138 3; docJuBe157 3; docJuBe166 3; docJuBe275 3)
fiches par lemme
●secorrison f.
[VRo 72, 1983, 120.]
- ◆“secours, aide” (VRo 72, 1983, 120)
fiches par lemme
●secorse f.
[TL 9, 310; Gdf 7, 348a; Gdf 7, 348a; FEW 12, 383 b. – RLaR 93(1989), v. 219.]
- ◆“secours, aide” (HervisH 829; (sigles à datations multiples:) TrouvBelg2, RLaR 93(1989), v. 219, TL 9, 310; Gdf 7, 348a; Gdf 7, 348a; FEW 12, 383 b)
fiches par lemme
●secorue f.
[TL 9, 310; FEW 12, 383a.]
- ◆“secours, aide” (TL 9, 310; FEW 12, 383a)