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silence f.
[FEW 11, 611-b lt. SILENTIUM – TL 9, 655; AND 711b; FEW 11, 611-b; DiStefLoc 800. – MF 39-41, 228; Pope 777; R 88, p. 106, 110; RLiR 53, (1989) p. 584; SchelerGil I,118.15; SchelerGil II, 88.23; SchelerJPreis II, 8518.]
(cilence (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, lence GilMuisK 336a I,118,15, scilence DolopL; MirNDPers1-40P 9 111, 28 444, 29 2469,30 16, silence EdConfVatS; SBernCantG; GuiotProvinsO 1514; BibleGuiotW 1517; DolopL; TournAntW 2100, 2102 etc.; HArciPèresO 154; VMortAnW 30,3; ClefD 71; SidracH p. 133; GlDouaiE1 132; ApocGiffR 1432, 1451; chSL 072 41; chSL 082 75; chSL 082 104; JMoteRegrS S. 161; RenContrR I, 276 § 110; [SottiesP II, 102, v. 1533; GrebanP 227], silenche RenclCarH; BrendanPr1W, silens JMoteVoieP 3383, silense BrendanPr1W; GlDouaiE1 101; JobB 1179, sillance RenR 6.125; LancPrK 132. 32, sillence CoincyI1...K 2 var; AnticlC 2823; chSL 082 112)
- ◆1o“silence” (EdConfVatS; RenR 6.125; SBernCantG; GuiotProvinsO 1514; BibleGuiotW 1517; LancPrK 132. 32; DolopL; DolopL; CoincyI1...K 2 var; RenclCarH; TournAntW 2100, 2102 etc.; HArciPèresO 154; AnticlC 2823; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; VMortAnW 30,3; ClefD 71; SidracH p. 133; GlDouaiE1 132; GlDouaiE1 101; ApocGiffR 1432, 1451; JobB 1179; JMoteRegrS S. 161; MirNDPers1-40P 9 111, 28 444, 29 2469,30 16; JMoteVoieP 3383; RenContrR I, 276 § 110; GilMuisK 336a I,118,15; [SottiesP II, 102, v. 1533; GrebanP 227]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, MF 39-41, 228; Pope 777; R 88, p. 106, 110; RLiR 53, (1989) p. 584; SchelerGil I,118.15; SchelerGil II, 88.23; SchelerJPreis II, 8518, TL 9, 655; AND 711b; FEW 11, 611-b; DiStefLoc 800)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chSL 072 41; chSL 082 75; chSL 082 104; chSL 082 112)