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[FEW 12, 325 b lt. SUAVISTL 9, 706; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 7, 496b; Gdf 7, 497a; Gdf 7, 497a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 717 b; AND 734a; AND 726a; AND 729b; AND 734a; AND 738a; AND 734a; Gay 2, 199b, 1260; FEW; FEW 12, 325 b; FEW; FEW; FEW 12, 325b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 1015; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – BienDire p64; Burgess 65; ContPerc; GossenGramm 207; Hassell N 33; Hassell F 110; KitzeRoss 16; LevyHagin 22 b 2; MatoréVocMéd p. 138; MedAev 48 (1979) 295; MélDufournet v. 42, S. 456; MélDufournet S. 54; MélDufournet vol. III, S. 1292; MélHeinimann S. 104, 107; MélSéguy 181; MénardRire 270; MénardRire 668- 194; MénardRire 442; PachnioTaille S. 37; Pope 241, 576; R 94, 431; R 114, 348; R 111, 366; R 67, p. 363; SchelerJPreis 6427; SchulzeBusProv 1886, 2263 etc.; TraLiPhi 31, 247; ZrP Sb 77, 235; [sigle] 1434, 1994.⁠]
(sëf RouH, soé CharroiM 16, 1287, 1300; CharroiPo t. II, 181; FlorenceW 369 a; HuonR 2538; SimPouilleaB 1336; GautChâtC 49, 116; OgDanAlC 2252; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8, 432; ReidFabl, soë BenTroieC, söé ParDuchP 144 etc, 734, 375 etc., soef AlexisP O 68 c, p. 53; CharroiPo t. II, 181; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 2619, 9222; FloreaD; PhilomB 156; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 2008, 9314, 9966; PelCharlK 112; CligesM 6031; FlorebK 536, 3289; AlexParA II, 2185.1; AlexParA IV, 1476; ThomKentF 2549, P 60; ChevCygnePropN p. 2872, 4285; BestPierre1M XVI, 2; XXIII, 8; CantLandP 596, 737, 1977, 2717; JugAmS 36, 173, BE 173; PriseCordD 1238, 2815; BodelCongéRu 50; AmbroiseP 6041, 277; BibleGuiotW; GirVianeY 4521; AngDialGregP 72 r o a, 183 r o b; AngDialGregP; BalJosAnS; MortAymC 100, 175, 211, 610, 738, 1989; Turpin5Wa; GautDargR XV, 28; LancPrK; LancPrM; DolopL; CoincyI41/42R 532; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 965; OrsonP; TristPrC 34, 6; 370, 9; FolLancB; MerlinsR; BibleParQ II, 9; XXVII, 11; BraiCordO 144; CesTuimAlC; CristalB *624; GautLeuL2 III 422, IV 50, 86, ...; JoufrF 351, 1555, 4160; LSimplMedD 298; 122, 360, 835; RègleSBenDouceD 72; RègleSBenDouceD 12, 6, 43, 14 etc.; SDenisPr1L; MoamT I, 19, 7; JordRufmP; MartCanL; SLouisPathMirF; GesteFrancorR 851, 1761, 14193, ecc.; HuonAuvbS6 7828*; PassEntreR 1412; 1881; TristNantS; [BaudSebB 175; BaudSebC p190]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 251, 25; 17, 3; 218, 39; LevyFabl VI. 318; MénardFabl II, 96; III, 229; VIII, 2711; MontRayn; NoomenFabl t. 6, 396; NoomenFabl t. 7, 449; NoomenFabl t. 8, 432; NoomenFabl I, 1/ 229, 2 / 771, 3 / 132, 4 / 322; NoomenFabl II, 6 / 227, 12 / 156; NoomenFabl t. III, 14 / 42; 5 b / M 116; 17 / 143; 16 a / 73 etc.; NoomenFabl 26 b / 138, 33 / 82; PannierLapid B 631; ProvM 1886, 2145; RecHist XX, 73; RecHist XX, 209; RohlfsFablels, Soef RobDiableL; HAndH; GautLeuL2; JostPletR, SOEF BibleParQ; CesTuimAlC, soéf ThebesC; HermValS 747; BretTournD 965; FevresS 11 b - 17; 247 - 16, soëf CourLouisL1; ChronSMichelB 3788*; BenTroieC; ErecR 6560; ErecR 3651; CligesG; PercL; AimonFlH 9399; 1032; GaceBruléD LII, 19; GaceBruléH; Saisna/lB 1109; VMortHélW 32, 9; ChevCygneNaissT; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 16, 267; ChevVivM 643, C 778; ChevVivM *1221; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; EscoufleS; GuillDoleL 837; DoonRocheM 344, 1879 etc.; FolTristBernH2 77; MeraugisF 4402; MorPhilPrH 142, 17.18; NarbS 2766, 4409; 5759; Perl1N; BlancandS 1221; MoniotArrD XXX, 2; CoincyI36L; AntBerW 569; RenclCarH; SPierJonglW; TrubertR; TrubertR 1591; CoincyII10N 327, 406, 412, 477, 907; RoselLec; TournAntW 3263; ArtusS 312; 7, 40; 55, 48; 102, 1; 166, 24; 296, 3; CourLouiscLe; MirNDChartrK XI 154; CharroicL; SEvroulS; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 12, 247; 3, 108; 13, 210; ReidFabl, söef MonGuill1/2C 1182, 1239, 4949 etc.; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1241, 2120; Bueve1S 90, 186, 81 etc.; CoincyChristO 1964, 1770; CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 4.297, 5.322; MaugisV 90; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 3235, 8315, 9055 etc.; BartschChrest 19, 106; 21, 152 etc., soeif (sigles à datations multiples:) RivièrePast, soeit DolopL, soeiz CommPsia1G; RutebF 214, KH 8, soes CommPsia1G; GautLeuL2; JacVitryB LXXII, 7, Soes GautLeuL2; SermMaurpB, soés ThibAmPriereL; OvArtElieK 833 (r); LancPrM VIII, 12; TristPrC; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 5, 480, Soés VillehW, soès BalJosAnS 12156, 5429, soës DelIsrE, soeves CoincyII1...K 322 var.; JoufrF 4187, soez LapidffS 592 b, soïf AnticlLudR v. 4442, soué AntiocheD 5554, 5576; FloovA 72, 77, 74, 286; FloovB 72, 77; 74, 286; ChevVivM; ChevVivM C 778; CharroicL; EnfOgS 4247; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 967; ReidFabl, souee BibleEntS 627, souef FloreaK 2032; FloreaW 2032; MarieChievreRi 60; Aiol1/2F; AlexissH 304, 319, etc.; GuiNantm/v/fM 22; RenR XII-XVII, 14701; TristBérG 492, 2044; 3165; 4328; ChevCygnePropN; HaimBarW; AubereeE p146; BestPierre1M XXIII, 11, 28; XXIV, 18; XXXII, 4; XXXVI, 9; ChevEspJ 648; EscoufleM 313b; Bueve2S 97, 1361, 11948; 509, 19 055; GodinM 16056; GuillVinM XXXV, 7; MorPhilP 4358; TrotT; TristPrL 273, 28; TristPrR; ArtusS; CheviiEspI; EustMoineC 2129; EustMoineF; SJulPrS 1247; BalainL 85, 93; MerlinsR 212, 10; 220, 30; 304, 6, etc.; MerlinsR 202, 30 (B); AuberiTarbé; BeaumS 8216; BestAmOctT 1334, 869, 1234; ClercVaudR D 240*; ClercVaudR 240 (note); Pères43B 43; VivMonbrancE 177, 785; AldL; RobHoY v. 1633; YonM 2524; AnticlC 71, 2329; HunbautW 239; 3081; BaudeFastCongéR 12; HaginL 22b; 35c; CharroicL; CourtParV 18; SBath1B; EnfOgS 4247; MoniotParD XLII, 6; LaurinT; DrouartB; JAntOtiaP; RenNouvR 2769; SoneG 4617; SLouisPathMirF XII 73, XIX 105; JoinvW1 116d, 304d; AdvndC 71; AdvndC; GeoffrParChronD 3247, 4936; LicorneG 6533; SJeanBaptOct1G 364; JVignayOisivG; Apol3L 128, 13; DébCorpsArrL 160; DialGregEvrS p. 1005; SGregJeanS; TombChartr11W; TombChartr18S 602; TombChartrProl/4...W; GuiNantvProlC 56; GuiNantvProlC 111; ProprChosSq; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P p. 150; II p. 92, 28, 1819; RenContrR 23539; BelleHelR 898a; 12110, 14899; GalienD; GilMuisK 352a, I, 224, 17; 309, 28; 384, 13; TristNantS 2813, 8862; 2510, 5866; [AmphYpL2; FroissEspF1 1760, 729, 1293; FroissPrisF 1483, 919; AalmaR 7725; AalmaR 7729; AalmaR 996; AalmaR 9. 205; AalmaR 11. 895; AalmaR 12. 450; AalmaR 6656-59; 6716, 6987, 7554; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2434; DeschQ II, 266 etc.; FierPrM 1117; FierPrMi 115; MenagB 45, 15; MenagB 150, 15; MenagB 229, 22; GuiWarPrC 108, 1.5, p. 191; PassTroyB I 1208 etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; ConstHamelR 852; MontRayn I, 30, etc.; NoomenFabl t. 9, 360a; NoomenFabl t. 8, 433; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; PannierLapid B 221; ProvM 1034; RecHist XXII, 967; RecHist XXI, 131; StimmingMot, Souef PèresPrI5/7S; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn; HenryŒn, SOUEF RenMontdT, souéf GuillTyrP; BibleEntS 198, 7331; 8236, souëf SGraalIIJosO; AubereeC 322, 344, 365; GuiotProvinsO 936; EscoufleS; BalJosPr1M 52, 24; Bueve3S 56, 445, 679, etc.; CoincyChristO; DolopL; ViolB 2120; 2116; VMortAnW 75, 5; 212 bis; 7; 205, 10; 214, 1; BibleMalkS 4756; ChastSGilS v. 60; ChastSGilS 193; AcartH 160, 192; 1334; JMoteVoieP 4131, 4404; (sigles à datations multiples:) RaynMotets I, p. 114; Rosenberg 193, 16, soueff AiquinJ 2786, soueif ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 62, 14, soueiz CoutVerdun1M 18, 128; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H, souel AlexParA 90, 20; 130, 17, soues BestPierre1M XV, 23; XXIII, 2; MerlinPropheB; Taille1313M 7c, soués FloreaD; RenR X-XI, 11686; FergF 268, 4767; BibleMalkS 2490, 4543; JobB 2294; JobG 2294; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl, soueve JAntOtiaP; Taille1297M 118; JVignayOisivG; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 6, 396, souez OvMorB 1, p. 123, 2894; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III, souvef MirNDPers1-40P 28 1819, sove PrêtreJeand/yG 613, suavle SBernCantG, suef RolB 1165; 1999, 2175; LapidffS 911, 592; CommPsia1G 87.2; BenTroiemR; BenDucM I, p 187, v 3021; p 299, v 6225; p 351, v 7725 etc; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; SGillesP 623; SMarieEgtS 1089; TristThomB 1927, 2578, 2941; TristThomB 3002; TristThomW D 655, 1306, 1669, 1714; SimFreineGeorgM 468; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 1047, S.G. 468; CantLandP 3043; ElucidaireiiiD II 16M, III 106M; BueveAgnS 814, 2447, 3093; ChardryPletM 448, 461, 1523, 1361; NarbS 2560, 3324; SEdmPassG 668, 583; SJeanAumI; BestGuillR 320, 2125; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 1008, 1329 etc; BesantR 2426; ModvB2 1189, 4434, 5601; PetPhilT 1193; TristPrC; HArciPèresO 4546; RésSauvcJ; ApocGiffR 868, 996, 2679; FoukeB 22, 7; 14, 18; FoukeH 17.12, 12.3; TwitiT; (sigles à datations multiples:) IpKH; NoomenFabl t9, 360b; NoomenFabl III; PannierLapid A 592, 911; ProvM 1845, 1944, 2260-67, Suef PurgSPatrBerM; PlainteVgePurT, suëf AlexisS1 32, 338; PhThBestWa; MarieGuigW2 G 194, L 558; MarieLaisR; SThomGuernW1; MarieFabW 29, 67; 26, 9; 29, 84; 38, 6; 47, 22; MarieFabW2; IpH; ProtH; TristThomL; FolTristOxfH 24, 820, 827, 886, süef BrendanW S 208; GaimarB 106, 66, 422, 4264; ProvSalSanI; EdConfVatS; HornP 197, 2768; 773, 1000; 739, 3521, 4749; SJeanAumU 634, 811, 830; 1178, 2536, 4401; 5583; WaldefH 1043, 2452, 2798, 2862; 16628; 368; DurmG; DurmG; EvEnfQuatrB 1659; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, süeif DolopL, sueis MédLiégH 977, 1009; MédLiégH, sueit MédLiégH C.n. 959, sues DurmS 3176; (sigles à datations multiples:) ParsonsCourt A 76, süés PoèmeMorB 2914, 1923 etc, suet SJeanAumI 634, suez BlancandS 4879, suuef RègleHospCamS 230n, 1530, swef NicBozCharV; TwitiT, Swef MirAgn2K, sweve CantKiVotH 2405, 2457, Sweve RomRomT)
  • “calme, paisible; humain, débonnaire, traitable” (aussi comme adv.)⁠ (AlexisP O 68 c, p. 53; AlexisS1 32, 338; RolB 1165; 1999, 2175; BrendanW S 208; LapidffS 592 b; LapidffS 911, 592; PhThBestWa; GaimarB 106, 66, 422, 4264; CharroiM 16, 1287, 1300; CharroiPo t. II, 181; CharroiPo t. II, 181; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 1182, 1239, 4949 etc.; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 2619, 9222; FloreaD; FloreaD; FloreaK 2032; FloreaW 2032; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 3788*; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G 87.2; CommPsia1G; MarieChievreRi 60; MarieGuigW2 G 194, L 558; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; EdConfVatS; ErecR 6560; ErecR 3651; HornP 197, 2768; 773, 1000; 739, 3521, 4749; PhilomB 156; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p 187, v 3021; p 299, v 6225; p 351, v 7725 etc; SThomGuernW1; Aiol1/2F 2008, 9314, 9966; Aiol1/2F; AlexissH 304, 319, etc.; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 112; CligesG; CligesM 6031; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1241, 2120; MarieFabW 29, 67; 26, 9; 29, 84; 38, 6; 47, 22; MarieFabW2; PercL; FlorebK 536, 3289; SGillesP 623; AlexParA II, 2185.1; AlexParA IV, 1476; AlexParA 90, 20; 130, 17; IpH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 230n, 1530; AimonFlH 9399; 1032; GuiNantm/v/fM 22; RenR XII-XVII, 14701; RenR X-XI, 11686; SBernCantG; SMarieEgtS 1089; ThomKentF 2549, P 60; TristBérG 492, 2044; 3165; 4328; TristThomB 1927, 2578, 2941; TristThomB 3002; TristThomL; TristThomW D 655, 1306, 1669, 1714; AntiocheD 5554, 5576; ChevCygnePropN p. 2872, 4285; ChevCygnePropN; FloovA 72, 77, 74, 286; FloovB 72, 77; 74, 286; FolTristOxfH 24, 820, 827, 886; GaceBruléD LII, 19; GaceBruléH; HermValS 747; RobDiableL; RomRomT; Saisna/lB 1109; SimFreineGeorgM 468; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 1047, S.G. 468; PrêtreJeand/yG 613; HaimBarW; RenMontdT; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 32, 9; AubereeC 322, 344, 365; AubereeE p146; BestPierre1M XXIII, 11, 28; XXIV, 18; XXXII, 4; XXXVI, 9; BestPierre1M XVI, 2; XXIII, 8; BestPierre1M XV, 23; XXIII, 2; CantLandP 596, 737, 1977, 2717; CantLandP 3043; ChevCygneNaissT; ChevEspJ 648; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 16, 267; ChevVivM 643, C 778; ChevVivM *1221; ChevVivM; ChevVivM C 778; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ElucidaireiiiD II 16M, III 106M; GuiotProvinsO 936; JugAmS 36, 173, BE 173; PoèmeMorB 2914, 1923 etc; PriseCordD 1238, 2815; EscoufleM 313b; EscoufleS; EscoufleS; BodelCongéRu 50; GuillDoleL 837; VillehW; AiquinJ 2786; AmbroiseP 6041, 277; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 814, 2447, 3093; ChardryPletM 448, 461, 1523, 1361; DelIsrE; DoonRocheM 344, 1879 etc.; FolTristBernH2 77; GirVianeY 4521; MeraugisF 4402; MorPhilPrH 142, 17.18; NarbS 2766, 4409; 5759; NarbS 2560, 3324; Perl1N; PèresPrI5/7S; SEdmPassG 668, 583; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumI 634; SJeanAumU 634, 811, 830; 1178, 2536, 4401; 5583; ThibAmPriereL; WaldefH 1043, 2452, 2798, 2862; 16628; 368; BestGuillR 320, 2125; AngDialGregP 72 r o a, 183 r o b; AngDialGregP; BalJosAnS; BalJosAnS 12156, 5429; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 1008, 1329 etc; FlorenceW 369 a; MortAymC 100, 175, 211, 610, 738, 1989; Turpin5Wa; BalJosPr1M 52, 24; BlancandS 1221; BlancandS 4879; Bueve1S 90, 186, 81 etc.; Bueve2S 97, 1361, 11948; 509, 19 055; Bueve3S 56, 445, 679, etc.; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 3176; FergF 268, 4767; GautDargR XV, 28; GuillTyrP; MoniotArrD XXX, 2; OvArtElieK 833 (r); CoincyChristO; CoincyChristO 1964, 1770; LancPrK; LancPrM VIII, 12; LancPrM; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; CoincyI36L; CoincyI41/42R 532; AntBerW 569; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 965; GodinM 16056; GuillVinM XXXV, 7; MorPhilP 4358; OrsonP; RenclCarH; SPierJonglW; TrotT; TrubertR; TrubertR 1591; BesantR 2426; CoincyII1...K 322 var.; CoincyII10N 327, 406, 412, 477, 907; CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 4.297, 5.322; ViolB 2120; 2116; CoutVerdun1M 18, 128; ModvB2 1189, 4434, 5601; PetPhilT 1193; RoselLec; TristPrC; TristPrC 34, 6; 370, 9; TristPrC; TristPrL 273, 28; TristPrR; TournAntW 3263; ArtusS 312; 7, 40; 55, 48; 102, 1; 166, 24; 296, 3; ArtusS; CheviiEspI; EustMoineC 2129; EustMoineF; FolLancB; HAndH; ParDuchP 144 etc, 734, 375 etc.; PurgSPatrBerM; SJulPrS 1247; BalainL 85, 93; MerlinsR; MerlinsR 212, 10; 220, 30; 304, 6, etc.; MerlinsR 202, 30 (B); MirAgn2K; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS 8216; BestAmOctT 1334, 869, 1234; BibleEntS 627; BibleEntS 198, 7331; 8236; BibleParQ II, 9; XXVII, 11; BibleParQ; BraiCordO 144; CesTuimAlC; CesTuimAlC; ClercVaudR D 240*; ClercVaudR 240 (note); CourLouiscLe; CristalB *624; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2 III 422, IV 50, 86, ...; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO 4546; HuonR 2538; JacVitryB LXXII, 7; JoufrF 351, 1555, 4160; JoufrF 4187; LSimplMedD 298; 122, 360, 835; MaugisV 90; Pères43B 43; RègleSBenDouceD 72; RègleSBenDouceD 12, 6, 43, 14 etc.; RésSauvcJ; SDenisPr1L; SermMaurpB; VivMonbrancE 177, 785; AldL; JostPletR; RobHoY v. 1633; YonM 2524; MirNDChartrK XI 154; AnticlC 71, 2329; HunbautW 239; 3081; RutebF 214, KH 8; VMortAnW 75, 5; 212 bis; 7; 205, 10; 214, 1; PlainteVgePurT; BaudeFastCongéR 12; MoamT I, 19, 7; HaginL 22b; 35c; CantKiVotH 2405, 2457; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CourtParV 18; JordRufmP; MartCanL; MédLiégH 977, 1009; MédLiégH; MédLiégH C.n. 959; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB 1336; EnfOgS 4247; EnfOgS 4247; MoniotParD XLII, 6; BibleMalkS 4756; BibleMalkS 2490, 4543; ChastSGilS v. 60; ChastSGilS 193; LaurinT; BretTournD 965; ApocGiffR 868, 996, 2679; DrouartB; EvEnfQuatrB 1659; GautChâtC 49, 116; JAntOtiaP; JAntOtiaP; JobB 2294; JobG 2294; MerlinPropheB; RenNouvR 2769; SoneG 4617; SLouisPathMirF XII 73, XIX 105; SLouisPathMirF; Taille1297M 118; FevresS 11 b - 17; 247 - 16; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 116d, 304d; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 62, 14; FoukeB 22, 7; 14, 18; FoukeH 17.12, 12.3; AdvndC 71; AdvndC; GesteFrancorR 851, 1761, 14193, ecc.; OgDanAlC 2252; Taille1313M 7c; TwitiT; TwitiT; GeoffrParChronD 3247, 4936; LicorneG 6533; OvMorB 1, p. 123, 2894; SJeanBaptOct1G 364; JVignayOisivG; JVignayOisivG; Apol3L 128, 13; DébCorpsArrL 160; DialGregEvrS p. 1005; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvbS6 7828*; AcartH 160, 192; 1334; TombChartr11W; TombChartr18S 602; TombChartrProl/4...W; GuiNantvProlC 56; GuiNantvProlC 111; ProprChosSq; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P p. 150; II p. 92, 28, 1819; MirNDPers1-40P 28 1819; JMoteVoieP 4131, 4404; RenContrR 23539; AnticlLudR v. 4442; BelleHelR 898a; 12110, 14899; GalienD; GilMuisK 352a, I, 224, 17; 309, 28; 384, 13; PassEntreR 1412; 1881; SEvroulS; TristNantS 2813, 8862; 2510, 5866; TristNantS; [AmphYpL2; BaudSebB 175; BaudSebC p190; FroissEspF1 1760, 729, 1293; FroissPrisF 1483, 919; AalmaR 7725; AalmaR 7729; AalmaR 996; AalmaR 9. 205; AalmaR 11. 895; AalmaR 12. 450; AalmaR 6656-59; 6716, 6987, 7554; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2434; DeschQ II, 266 etc.; FierPrM 1117; FierPrMi 115; MenagB 45, 15; MenagB 150, 15; MenagB 229, 22; GuiWarPrC 108, 1.5, p. 191; PassTroyB I 1208 etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 3235, 8315, 9055 etc.; Aspland 12, 247; 3, 108; 13, 210; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 19, 106; 21, 152 etc.; BartschHorning 251, 25; 17, 3; 218, 39; ConstHamelR 852; HenryŒn; HenryŒn; IpKH; LevyFabl VI. 318; MontRayn I, 30, etc.; MontRayn; MénardFabl II, 96; III, 229; VIII, 2711; NoomenFabl t. 9, 360a; NoomenFabl t. 8, 433; NoomenFabl t. 5, 480; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t. 6, 396; NoomenFabl t. 7, 449; NoomenFabl t. 8, 432; NoomenFabl I, 1/ 229, 2 / 771, 3 / 132, 4 / 322; NoomenFabl II, 6 / 227, 12 / 156; NoomenFabl t. III, 14 / 42; 5 b / M 116; 17 / 143; 16 a / 73 etc.; NoomenFabl 26 b / 138, 33 / 82; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t. 6, 396; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl t9, 360b; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl t. 8, 432; PannierLapid B 221; PannierLapid B 631; PannierLapid A 592, 911; ParsonsCourt A 76; ProvM 1034; ProvM 1886, 2145; ProvM 1845, 1944, 2260-67; RaynMotets I, p. 114; RecHist XXII, 967; RecHist XXI, 131; RecHist XX, 73; RecHist XX, 209; RecHist XXII, 967; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; RohlfsFablels; Rosenberg 193, 16; StimmingMot, BienDire p64; Burgess 65; ContPerc; GossenGramm 207; Hassell N 33; Hassell F 110; KitzeRoss 16; LevyHagin 22 b 2; MatoréVocMéd p. 138; MedAev 48 (1979) 295; MélDufournet v. 42, S. 456; MélDufournet S. 54; MélDufournet vol. III, S. 1292; MélHeinimann S. 104, 107; MélSéguy 181; MénardRire 270; MénardRire 668- 194; MénardRire 442; PachnioTaille S. 37; Pope 241, 576; R 94, 431; R 114, 348; R 111, 366; R 67, p. 363; SchelerJPreis 6427; SchulzeBusProv 1886, 2263 etc.; TraLiPhi 31, 247; ZrP Sb 77, 235; [sigle] 1434, 1994, TL 9, 706; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 7, 496b; Gdf 7, 497a; Gdf 7, 497a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 717 b; AND 734a; AND 726a; AND 729b; AND 734a; AND 738a; AND 734a; Gay 2, 199b, 1260; FEW; FEW 12, 325 b; FEW; FEW; FEW 12, 325b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 1015; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soableté f.
[TL 9, 1044; FEW 12, 516b; FEW 12, 326b; FEW 12, 327a; AND 731a; TL 9, 688.⁠]
  • “douceur, mansuétude” (TL 9, 688; TL 9, 1044; FEW 12, 516b; FEW 12, 326b; FEW 12, 327a; AND 731a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soate f.
[TL 9, 689.⁠]
  • “douceur, mansuétude” (TL 9, 689)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soatisme f. et m.
[TL 9, 689; AND 731b; FEW 12, 327a. – ZrP 114, S. 558.⁠]
  • “douceur, mansuétude” (ZrP 114, S. 558, TL 9, 689; AND 731b; FEW 12, 327a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soavent adj.
  • “doux” (RenR XII-XVII, 13587)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soavetement adv.
[FEW XII, 326b.⁠]
  • “tout doucement” (FEW XII, 326b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soavine f.
[TL 9, 691; Gdf VII, 490b; FEW XII, 326b.⁠]
  • “agrément” (TL 9, 691; Gdf VII, 490b; FEW XII, 326b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soefture f.
  • “agrément” (GirRossAlH 2892)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soevement adv.
[TL 9, 711; Gdf 7, 497c; Gdf 7, 498a; Gdf; AND 717 b; AND 734b; AND 734b; FEW; LevyTrés. – R 107 (1986) 11.⁠]
(soavement OgDanAlC 1897, soefment CantLandP 1085; AngDialGregP 94 r o b; RenclCarH, söefment (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 12293, soeifmant ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H, soement [EvQuenJe 272], soévemént FevresS 237 - 9; 255- 1, souefment OvMorB 1, p. 135, 3445; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 360a, soueifmant ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 48, 5; 50, 37, souemant ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 39, 7, 10, souëvement ClefD 1818, suaveement PartonG +8054, Sueement (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, suément SBernCantG)
  • “doucement” (PartonG +8054; SBernCantG; CantLandP 1085; AngDialGregP 94 r o b; RenclCarH; ClefD 1818; FevresS 237 - 9; 255- 1; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 48, 5; 50, 37; ChaceOisi2H 39, 7, 10; ChaceOisi2H; OgDanAlC 1897; OvMorB 1, p. 135, 3445; [EvQuenJe 272]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 12293; HenryŒn; NoomenFabl t. 9, 360a, R 107 (1986) 11, TL 9, 711; Gdf 7, 497c; Gdf 7, 498a; Gdf; AND 717 b; AND 734b; AND 734b; FEW; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soevet adj.
[TL 9, 690; TL 9, 690; Gdf VII, 490a; Gdf; AND 731b; FEW XII, 326a; FEW XII, 326a; FEW. – ContPerc T 2432, 8460, 9955, E 12238; MénardRire p. 35; [sigle].⁠]
(soaveit DolopL, soavet EneasS1 8424; ThebesC III, 3433; BenTroieC; HornP S 10, 2469; EructavitJ 1031; EructavitJ; PercL; GuiNantm/v/fM; HermValS 769; Saisna/lB 1109; AmbroiseP 8851; ChastPereaM; BalJosAnS 8351; LancPrK 118.32; RoselLec 20897; AnsCartA; ArtusS; MaugisV 1766; PoireM; RègleSBenDouceD 17, 20; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 19, 295; 57, 44; MontRayn; NoomenFabl t. 6, 396; NoomenFabl I, 2 / 591; NoomenFabl III, 19 / 78; NoomenFabl 21/ 44, 29/ 142; RohlfsFablels; SGreg 600, soevet FlorenceW 369 a; 5163, souavet NarcisusT 400; Aiol1/2F 6160; Aiol1/2N 6159; GautArrErR 6150; TristBérG 3105, 3919, 4327; ChevCygneNaissT 172, 2007; AngDialGregP 31rob; Bueve2S 13698; FergF 3803; ConstHamelN 612; TristPrL 107, 27; CheviiEspI; GilChinP 4029; BeaumS 2742; ThebesR 1859; YonM 1137; RenNouvR 2751; [GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 3230; LevyFabl VII.44; MontRayn I, 189; NoomenFabl, Souavet RobDiableL, SOUAVET GuillPalMo, suavet RolB 3942; HornP; ThomKentF 685, 1183; WaldefH 745, 2166, 4197, 8328, 8548, 13132; BestGuillR 775; EnfGuillH 1224; OvMorB 4, p. 30, 857, Suavet MirAgn2K, suefet SGillesP 421)
  • “doux, agréable” (aussi comme adv.)⁠ (RolB 3942; EneasS1 8424; ThebesC III, 3433; NarcisusT 400; BenTroieC; HornP S 10, 2469; HornP; Aiol1/2F 6160; Aiol1/2N 6159; GautArrErR 6150; EructavitJ 1031; EructavitJ; PercL; SGillesP 421; GuiNantm/v/fM; ThomKentF 685, 1183; TristBérG 3105, 3919, 4327; HermValS 769; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 1109; ChevCygneNaissT 172, 2007; AmbroiseP 8851; ChastPereaM; GuillPalMo; WaldefH 745, 2166, 4197, 8328, 8548, 13132; BestGuillR 775; AngDialGregP 31rob; BalJosAnS 8351; FlorenceW 369 a; 5163; Bueve2S 13698; FergF 3803; ConstHamelN 612; LancPrK 118.32; DolopL; EnfGuillH 1224; RoselLec 20897; TristPrL 107, 27; AnsCartA; ArtusS; CheviiEspI; GilChinP 4029; MirAgn2K; BeaumS 2742; MaugisV 1766; PoireM; RègleSBenDouceD 17, 20; ThebesR 1859; YonM 1137; RenNouvR 2751; OvMorB 4, p. 30, 857; [GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 3230; BartschChrest 19, 295; 57, 44; LevyFabl VII.44; MontRayn; MontRayn I, 189; NoomenFabl t. 6, 396; NoomenFabl I, 2 / 591; NoomenFabl III, 19 / 78; NoomenFabl 21/ 44, 29/ 142; NoomenFabl; RohlfsFablels; SGreg 600, ContPerc T 2432, 8460, 9955, E 12238; MénardRire p. 35; [sigle], TL 9, 690; TL 9, 690; Gdf VII, 490a; Gdf; AND 731b; FEW XII, 326a; FEW XII, 326a; FEW)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
assoaver v.
[TL; TL 1,600,38; Gdf 1, 451c; FEW 12, 326b; LevyTrés. – LevyHagin 51a 19.⁠]
  • “adoucir, apaiser, calmer” (RicheutV; HistAncJ p. 307; HaginL 51a; FevresS 284-20; 198b-1; 104b-13, LevyHagin 51a 19, TL; TL 1,600,38; Gdf 1, 451c; FEW 12, 326b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
soeton m.
  • “agrément” (EdConfCambrW 2975)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
assoevement adv.
  • “doucement” (GlBâleB; GlBâleB C: 2399, 9194, 10472)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
tressoef adj.
[AND 821 a.⁠]
  • “qui est très doux” (SBernCantG, AND 821 a)
Cf. ANDEl tressuef.