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[FEW 11,358a lt. SĒ – TL 9, 750; TL 9, 5; Gdf; Gdf 7, 438a; AND 7/8a; AND 687a; AND 687a; AND 687b; AND 687a; FEW; FEW; FEW 11, 409a; FEW 11, 357b; FEW; FEW 11,358a; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 801; LevyTrés. – ActesMfr4 p. 456; BraultBlazon 276; BraultBlazon 276; ContPerc; DeesAtlas 313; Drüppel 103-105; FouletSynt §149 ss.; GlutzMir 26, 819, *IV 234, 42; *30, 864; MénardRire 197; MénardRire 238; MöhrenVal; MöhrenVal; Pope; R 93, 575; R 92, 4; R 61, p. 258; 62, p. 29; 68, p. 514; 69, p. 121, 427; etc.; R 78, p. 428; R 70, p. 236; R 69, p. 427; R 79, p. 393; R 79, p. 293; RLiR; SchulzeBusProv 945; TilLex; WoledgeSynt paragr. 34; WoledgeSynt paragr. 76; WoledgeSynt paragr. 34; WoledgeSynt paragr. 30; WoledgeSynt paragr. 31; WoledgeSynt paragr. 32; Word II, 18; Ziltener 8258, 8259, 8260, etc.; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 659; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 669; [sigle].]
- ◆“pronom réfléchi accentué de la troisième personne, des deux genres et des deux nombres” (PassionA; AlexisP O 19a, 57d, 58a, etc.; AlexisS1; RolB; BrendanW S. 207; BrendanW S.207; LapidalS 37, 154, 200, 225, 226, 261, 503, 522, 604, 708, 718, 897, 1185, 1198, 1284, 1345, 1362, 1382, 1451, 1452, 1518, 1519, 1596, 1602, 1616; LapidalS 547L; LapidapS 107, 154N; LapidffS 109, 185, 223, 260, 367, 389, 429, 498, 519, 535, 546, 551, 583, 628E, 680, 729, 798, 839, 842, 847; LapidffS 10C, 185C, 435B, 628B, 805D, 818C, 879D/6 (p. 317); PhThCompS 2r, 113; WaceMargaK 152; GrantMalS2 39a, 43b, 83e; GrantMalS2; WaceConcA 325, 1148, 1743; WaceConcA 66, 1406, 1718; CharroiPo t. II, 181; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; EneasS1 125, 153; FloreaK 148, 96, etc.; ChronSMichelB; ChronSMichelB 87,96,97; MarieChievreRi 60; MarieGuigW2; BenTroieC; HornP; PhilomB 464; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 1157; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 111; PelCharlK 110; CligesG; EstFougK 181,386; MarieFabB; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; MarieFabW2; FlorebK 1046, 1049; SGillesP; AimonFlH 6056; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; TristThomB; TristThomB; TristThomW; TristThomW; FloovA; FolTristOxfH 3; FolTristOxfH 529, 927; FolTristOxfH; GaceBruléD LI, 1; GraelentT; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; HaimBarW; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW; CantLandP 93,381; CantLandP 361; CantLandP 29, 120; ElucidaireiiiD; GuiotProvinsO 517; MuleJ M 446, 867; SGenB; AssJérRoiG; VillehW; AmbroiseP; BibleGuiotW; ChastPereaM; FolTristBernH2 47,70,146,etc.; FolTristBernH2 51, 124; 53, 258; FolTristBernH2; GuillPalMo; MeraugisF 4788; SGraalIIIJostO; VengRagF +838; BestGuillR 312; ChGuillD; ChGuillM 2528; HervisH 828; RobClariL; DurmS 4182; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK 15.39; OmbreB2; DolopL; AucR3 XXV 2; AucR3; MorPhilP 6414; OrsonP 3134; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; ViolB; CoutVerdun1M 4, 8; ModvB2; TournAntW 221 etc.; FolLancB; GilChinP; GilChinP; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; ChastVergiS; MirAgn2K; HubertIndre p. 20; AmDieuK Eliz.91,Gos.482; BeaumS Man. 280, 4746, 294 etc.; ContGuillTyrA 4; HArciPèresO 315, 934; JoufrF 2758; Pères10C 24, 214 etc.; ThebesR 9894; TroisAvG 21, 35, 45, 58, etc.; AldL 6, 14; 6, 20; 26, 14; 28, 10; 18; 42, 20; MenReimsP; MenReimsW; MenReimsW; BrendanPr1W; HunbautW 1115; HuonSQuentL 3173; CharroicL; CoutWinchF 4, 63 (2); EmpConstOctC; EmpConstPrC 9,13,58,etc.; EmpConstPrC 230, 236, 389; MédLiégH § 88 et 89; PassCeliW; YsEudeR; YsEudeR 592; EnfOgH 3179; ClefD; ClefD; ApocGiffR 81; 685; 951 etc.; AttilaPrB; EvEnfQuatrB 1102, 1291; SThibOctH I 33, 36; BrittN; MPolRustR; FevresS 21-18, 90-18; JoinvW1; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; JVignayVégL; GeoffrParChronD; JCondM; JCondM; DialGregEvrS p.1003; DialGregEvrS; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 8066; BlackBookT II. p. 284; BlackBookT II.p.272; AliscmH 4973; [ModusT 116, 61; FlorOctAlL 10; GaceBuigneB 6637,10974]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; Aspland; BartschHorning; ConstHamelR 92, 183, 193; GarLorrP I, 86; GarLorrP I, 178; HenryŒn; LevyFabl IV, 174; ParsonsCourt E 101; ParsonsCourt v150; RecHist XXII, 967; ReidFabl; RomPast N. 1 64/3, ActesMfr4 p. 456; BraultBlazon 276; BraultBlazon 276; ContPerc; DeesAtlas 313; Drüppel 103-105; FouletSynt §149 ss.; GlutzMir 26, 819, *IV 234, 42; *30, 864; MénardRire 197; MénardRire 238; MöhrenVal; MöhrenVal; Pope; R 79, p. 293; R 78, p. 428; R 70, p. 236; R 69, p. 427; R 79, p. 393; R 93, 575; R 92, 4; R 61, p. 258; 62, p. 29; 68, p. 514; 69, p. 121, 427; etc.; RLiR; SchulzeBusProv 945; TilLex; WoledgeSynt paragr. 34; WoledgeSynt paragr. 76; WoledgeSynt paragr. 34; WoledgeSynt paragr. 30; WoledgeSynt paragr. 31; WoledgeSynt paragr. 32; Word II, 18; Ziltener 8258, 8259, 8260, etc.; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 659; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 669; [sigle], TL 9, 5; TL 9, 750; Gdf; Gdf 7, 438a; AND 687a; AND 687a; AND 687a; AND 687b; AND 7/8a; FEW 11,358a; FEW 11, 409a; FEW 11, 357b; FEW; FEW; FEW; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 801; LevyTrés)