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fiches par lemme
sol3 m.
[FEW 12, 23b lt. SŌL – TL 9, 786; AND 719a; AND 717 b; FEW 12, 23b; Baker. – HoltusEntree 161, 174, 452.]
- ◆“soleil” (PhThBestWa; PhThSibS; CommPsia1G; TristBérG 208; JerusCorbG; JerusCorbG I 157; PetPhilT; ParDuchP *1671; HectP; Rolv41/2G; OvMorB 3, p. 324, 1144 (v. note); EntreeT 3720, 3721; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 7, 50; 21, 143, HoltusEntree 161, 174, 452, TL 9, 786; AND 717 b; AND 719a; FEW 12, 23b; Baker)
fiches par lemme
●soleil m.
[DEAF 25a; TL 9, 792; TL 9, 796; Gdf 7, 454c; Gdf 7, 447a; GdfC 10, 682b; GdfLex; AND 719b; AND 719a; AND 671b; Gay 354a; FEW; FEW; FEW 12, 24a; FEW; FEW; FEW 26a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Corom 4, 1166c; DiStefLoc 803; DiStefLoc 802; KramerGader; LexMA 7, 2047; LevyTrés. – ALing 7, S. 33, S. 36, S. 46; ALing 7, S. 31, S. 35, S. 36, S. 39, S. 41, S, 42, S. 48, S. 53; ALing 7, S. 31, S. 39, S. 41, S. 42, S. 47, S. 51, S. 53; ALing 7, S. 32; ALing 7/8, 1956, 28ff; ActesMfr10 272; Belz 68; BraultBlazon; Hassell p 186; LITTokyo 48, 49; LabordeGl I 93; LevyHagin 2d28, 14d25; MA 76, 1970, 99; MLR 61, 40b; MeierAnst 25 Anm.; MeierAnst S. 25 Anm.; Morlet 363; MélLejeune 1637; MélLejeune pp. 1637-1650; MénardRire 604; Pope 198, 582, E. § xxii, A.N. 1182; R 86, p. 32; R 68, p. 250; R 118, 496, n°51; R 66, p. 397; R 66, p. 397; R 105 (1984) 97; RLiR 1961; RLiR 1957, 1961; RLiR 36, 183; RlFl Bd. 7, 223; RlFl Bd. 7, 223; RoJb 44, 222; SammetSuff 81; StädtlerGdfLex 272; TraLiPhi 31, 247; 173, 5; 113, 349; Trénel 362; VogelIntens 198; VogelIntens 117, 118; VogelIntens 112; VogelIntens 203; Ziltener 49, etc.; ZrP 73, 283; ZrP 101 (1985) 536; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 29.]
(le faute du solel (sigles à datations multiples:) ImMondeOct1 BN fr. 1444, f.212ra, osail AliscW p. 422 V. 6846 var., sail AliscmH 6320, seillez CassidP 38, 210, seloil AyeG p102; BalJosPr1M 53,52; 50,17; DolopL, solail PhThCompS 21v, 2025; 22r, 2045; 27v, 2549, 2570; EdmK 1265; SGillesP 732, 916; ElieF 2489; FolTristOxfH 304, 309; 887; SimFreineGeorgM 387, 1131; SimFreineGeorgM 155, 337; 387, 1131; BueveAgnS 875; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 637; Bueve1S 6072, 3777, 7344, etc.; Bueve3S; AnsCartA; FossierCh p. 560; CompRalfH l. 316, l. 329; CharroicL; JMeunVégR 107, 144, 159; DrouartB 2820; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid E 1231, 1258, Solail MirAgn2K, Solailg RobDiableL, solau (sigles à datations multiples:) RivièrePast, solaus Aiol1/2N 2957, 4277, 5700, etc.; AlexissH 325; AlexParA I var. 68, 1517 t.3, 265; AlexParA I var. 15, 343.1, t. 3, 239; AlexParA II 1927 var. t 5; AlexParA II β3 43 var. t. 5; AliscW S. 24; AliscW 531; AubereeC 419, 553; CantLandP 371 etc.; ChevEspJ 60; JugAmS 187; EscoufleS 607; AlexisAlpS 855; DurmG; GuillTyrP 111; CoincyII10N 226, 306, 930; BalainL 58, 86; ImMondeOct2S0; AuberiTarbé; BibleEntS 2304, 4356; MenReimsP 284; MenReimsW 284; RutebTheophF 494; HunbautW 1866; CarCharL 515; CharroicL; VisTondpF p48; BibleMalkBu; JoinvW1 518b, 98e, 124d, 512c; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; GilMuisK 351b; [GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9 359b; NoomenFabl t. 8 433; NoomenFabl t. 5 480, Solaus VillehW, solaut FloovA 2181, 700; FloovB 2181, solaux RenContrR 34970; II, 215a, etc., solauz CommPsia1G; BestPierre1M; BestPierre1M VIII, 16, solax GilChinP; (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl, Solayl PlainteVgePurT, soleal [JPreisMyrG 4099 var., 5590a, 5645a (n.); JStavB P370], Soleal CartHain, soleil BrendanW S. 207; LapidalS 157, 226, 237, 239, 286, 844, 878, 907, 1080, 1285, 1541; LapidapS 2, 145, 155, 162; LapidffS 238, 601, 629, 643, 762, 831; PhThCompS 3r, 219; 4v, 316; 4v, 355; 6v, 374; WaceConcA 1036; PhThSibS; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 197; ChronSMichelB 742, 974; CommPsia1G; MarieGuigW2 Y. 66; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; BenDucF; PelCharlK 112; MarieFabW 6,7; 73, 10; 43, 2; MarieFabW2; ContPerc1P v. 3564; BibleGuiotW; Perl1N; BestGuillR 662; ChGuillI 233, 805, 2996, 1731; BalJosCamA 1309; Bueve2S 54, 2867, 4793; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 119, 121, 457; PetPhilT; TournAntW 206, 1430; ContPerc4tW 12021; ParDuchP p. 642, 102-3; FossierCh p. 470; HArciPèresO 167, 477, 5845; LSimplMedD; CompRalfH l. 316, l. 329; ChMa132 12; BrendanPr1W; BrunLatC; HaginL 1b, 2d, a, 14d, 65d; CharroicL; MartCanL; SimPouilleaB C 427...; ClefD 2039; AttilaPrB; JobB 517, 519, 1016; JacBaisT IV 90; GeoffrParChronD 5120; MaillartR 2602; CiNDitB2; MirNDPers1-40P IV p. 115, 39 etc.; BlackBookT II. p. 158; JMoteVoieP 3776; ChevPapH 72, 18 etc.; [AmphYpL2; AalmaR 3966; AalmaR 494]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 6, 118; 6, 300; 21, 111; BartschChrest 5, 195 etc.; BartschHorning 171, 23; WaceMargK 152; AngDialGregO2 7185, 11448, OR 17 etc., Soleil PurgSPatrBerM, SOLEIL GuillPalMo; LMestL, soleil) PelCharlF, soleill RolB, soleilz PassionA S. 118 (v.390); ElucidaireiiiD III 78M, I 167M, V, 34; AngDialGregP 2v°a, 88v°b, 140v°b; BlackBookT II. p. 318, Soleilz SermMaurpB, soleit YsEudeR 6, soleiz ChGuillI, solel FloreaK 568, 617,...; FloreaW 568, 2055, 2859; CommPsia1G 329.11; 191.11; AlexParA II β96, 1584 var. t 5; RecCoulTitH; VengRagF +1643, +4963; ChansArtB XVI, 71; GilChinP; ChansSienaS; AldL; VMortAnW 194, 4; AttilaPrB; LicorneG 4918; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid B. 216, 687, 689, 757, etc.; VillHonH2 44c, SOLEL SCathCarlM, solelz PassionA S. 114 (v. 311), solentz SimPouilleaB 90, soleus MortAymC 2244, 632, 686, 1117, 2738, 3572, soleuz ThebesC; AliscW p. 346 v. 27 var.; SGenB 1039, 2358; ArtusS 6,12; 104,38; 86,9, soleyl (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 1775, solez PoèmeMorB 1756, 1554, soliaus JCondOisR, soliaz DurmS 4135, soliel PassionA; PassionA S. 63; BibleEntS 1178, solleil Bueve3S, solleill CharroiPo t. II, 182, soloal MédLiégH 1047 §38, soloél FevresS 225-13, soloil CligesG; EructavitJ 571, 790, 1318, 2158; EructavitJ; AimonFlH 6544; RenR X-XI 11535; LancPrK; DolopL; BibleEntS; BibleMalkS 6955; AttilaPrB; JPrioratR; ChaceOisi2H 6, 7; 35, 12; 37, 3; ChaceOisi2H, soloix BalJosPr1M 75, 53; 108, 5, soloz JuiseR; CommPsia1G, soluil FevresS, soulai CoincyII1...K 313 var., soulail AiquinJ 781 etc.; JordRufmP, soulaus BibleEntS; ProprChosSq, soulaux BestPierre1M XXXV, 3, soulauz RenR XII-XVII, 14321; RenR XII-XVII, 13368; CoincyII9Kr 2241, 2269, soulax BlancandS 3720, souleil HMondB 441, 442; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 370, soulel BibleEntS, souleus BestPierre1M XII, 30, souloil RenContrR; ChevPapH, soulous BibleMalkS 2101)
- ◆1o“soleil” (PassionA; PassionA S. 63; PassionA S. 114 (v. 311); PassionA S. 118 (v.390); RolB; BrendanW S. 207; LapidalS 157, 226, 237, 239, 286, 844, 878, 907, 1080, 1285, 1541; LapidapS 2, 145, 155, 162; LapidffS 238, 601, 629, 643, 762, 831; PhThCompS 3r, 219; 4v, 316; 4v, 355; 6v, 374; PhThCompS 21v, 2025; 22r, 2045; 27v, 2549, 2570; JuiseR; WaceConcA 1036; PhThSibS; CharroiPo t. II, 182; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 197; FloreaK 568, 617,...; FloreaW 568, 2055, 2859; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 742, 974; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G 329.11; 191.11; MarieGuigW2 Y. 66; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; BenDucF; Aiol1/2N 2957, 4277, 5700, etc.; AlexissH 325; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 112; CligesG; EructavitJ 571, 790, 1318, 2158; EructavitJ; MarieFabW 6,7; 73, 10; 43, 2; MarieFabW2; EdmK 1265; SGillesP 732, 916; AlexParA I var. 68, 1517 t.3, 265; AlexParA I var. 15, 343.1, t. 3, 239; AlexParA II 1927 var. t 5; AlexParA II β3 43 var. t. 5; AlexParA II β96, 1584 var. t 5; AimonFlH 6544; RenR X-XI 11535; RenR XII-XVII, 14321; RenR XII-XVII, 13368; AliscW p. 346 v. 27 var.; AliscW S. 24; AliscW 531; AliscW p. 422 V. 6846 var.; ElieF 2489; FloovA 2181, 700; FloovB 2181; FolTristOxfH 304, 309; 887; RecCoulTitH; RobDiableL; SimFreineGeorgM 387, 1131; SimFreineGeorgM 155, 337; 387, 1131; AubereeC 419, 553; AyeG p102; BestPierre1M XII, 30; BestPierre1M XXXV, 3; BestPierre1M; BestPierre1M VIII, 16; CantLandP 371 etc.; ChevEspJ 60; ContPerc1P v. 3564; ElucidaireiiiD III 78M, I 167M, V, 34; JugAmS 187; PoèmeMorB 1756, 1554; SGenB 1039, 2358; EscoufleS 607; VillehW; AiquinJ 781 etc.; AlexisAlpS 855; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 875; GuillPalMo; Perl1N; VengRagF +1643, +4963; BestGuillR 662; AngDialGregP 2v°a, 88v°b, 140v°b; ChGuillI 233, 805, 2996, 1731; ChGuillI; MortAymC 2244, 632, 686, 1117, 2738, 3572; BalJosCamA 1309; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 637; BalJosPr1M 75, 53; 108, 5; BalJosPr1M 53,52; 50,17; BlancandS 3720; Bueve1S 6072, 3777, 7344, etc.; Bueve2S 54, 2867, 4793; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmS 4135; GuillTyrP 111; LancPrK; DolopL; DolopL; RenclCarH; SCathCarlM; SJeanEvW 119, 121, 457; ChansArtB XVI, 71; CoincyII1...K 313 var.; CoincyII10N 226, 306, 930; CoincyII9Kr 2241, 2269; PetPhilT; TournAntW 206, 1430; AnsCartA; ArtusS 6,12; 104,38; 86,9; ContPerc4tW 12021; GilChinP; GilChinP; ParDuchP p. 642, 102-3; PurgSPatrBerM; BalainL 58, 86; MirAgn2K; FossierCh p. 470; FossierCh p. 560; ImMondeOct2S0; AuberiTarbé; BibleEntS; BibleEntS; BibleEntS 2304, 4356; BibleEntS 1178; BibleEntS; ChansSienaS; HArciPèresO 167, 477, 5845; LSimplMedD; SermMaurpB; AldL; CompRalfH l. 316, l. 329; CompRalfH l. 316, l. 329; MenReimsP 284; MenReimsW 284; RutebTheophF 494; BrendanPr1W; HunbautW 1866; VMortAnW 194, 4; BrunLatC; LMestL; PlainteVgePurT; HaginL 1b, 2d, a, 14d, 65d; CartHain; CarCharL 515; CassidP 38, 210; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; JordRufmP; MartCanL; MédLiégH 1047 §38; SimPouilleaB 90; SimPouilleaB C 427...; VisTondpF p48; YsEudeR 6; ClefD 2039; BibleMalkBu; BibleMalkS 6955; BibleMalkS 2101; JMeunVégR 107, 144, 159; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; DrouartB 2820; JPrioratR; JobB 517, 519, 1016; FevresS 225-13; FevresS; JacBaisT IV 90; JoinvW1 518b, 98e, 124d, 512c; ChaceOisi2H 6, 7; 35, 12; 37, 3; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; HMondB 441, 442; GeoffrParChronD 5120; MaillartR 2602; JCondOisR; LicorneG 4918; CiNDitB2; ProprChosSq; MirNDPers1-40P IV p. 115, 39 etc.; BlackBookT II. p. 158; BlackBookT II. p. 318; JMoteVoieP 3776; RenContrR; RenContrR 34970; II, 215a, etc.; AliscmH 6320; ChevPapH 72, 18 etc.; ChevPapH; GilMuisK 351b; [GodBouillBruxR; AmphYpL2; AalmaR 3966; AalmaR 494; JPreisMyrG 4099 var., 5590a, 5645a (n.); JStavB P370]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 7185, 11448, OR 17 etc.; Aspland 6, 118; 6, 300; 21, 111; BartschChrest 5, 195 etc.; BartschHorning 171, 23; NoomenFabl t.9 359b; NoomenFabl t. 8 433; NoomenFabl t. 5 480; PannierLapid E 1231, 1258; PannierLapid B. 216, 687, 689, 757, etc.; ProvM 1775; ProvM 370; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; VillHonH2 44c; WaceMargK 152, ALing 7, S. 33, S. 36, S. 46; ALing 7, S. 31, S. 35, S. 36, S. 39, S. 41, S, 42, S. 48, S. 53; ALing 7, S. 31, S. 39, S. 41, S. 42, S. 47, S. 51, S. 53; ALing 7, S. 32; ALing 7/8, 1956, 28ff; ActesMfr10 272; Belz 68; BraultBlazon; Hassell p 186; LITTokyo 48, 49; LabordeGl I 93; LevyHagin 2d28, 14d25; MA 76, 1970, 99; MLR 61, 40b; MeierAnst 25 Anm.; MeierAnst S. 25 Anm.; Morlet 363; MélLejeune 1637; MélLejeune pp. 1637-1650; MénardRire 604; Pope 198, 582, E. § xxii, A.N. 1182; R 66, p. 397; R 66, p. 397; R 86, p. 32; R 68, p. 250; R 118, 496, n°51; R 105 (1984) 97; RLiR 1961; RLiR 1957, 1961; RLiR 36, 183; RlFl Bd. 7, 223; RlFl Bd. 7, 223; RoJb 44, 222; SammetSuff 81; StädtlerGdfLex 272; TraLiPhi 31, 247; 173, 5; 113, 349; Trénel 362; VogelIntens 198; VogelIntens 117, 118; VogelIntens 112; VogelIntens 203; Ziltener 49, etc.; ZrP 73, 283; ZrP 101 (1985) 536; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 29, DEAF 25a; TL 9, 792; TL 9, 796; Gdf 7, 447a; Gdf 7, 454c; GdfC 10, 682b; GdfLex; AND 671b; AND 719a; AND 719b; Gay 354a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 12, 24a; FEW; FEW; FEW 26a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW 25a; FEW; FEW; FEW; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Corom 4, 1166c; DiStefLoc 803; DiStefLoc 802; KramerGader; LexMA 7, 2047; LevyTrés)
- ◆loc. subst. faute du soleil “éclipse” ((sigles à datations multiples:) ImMondeOct1 BN fr. 1444, f.212ra)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa132 12)
fiches par lemme
●solaille f.
- ◆“soleil” (LapidffS 601D; QSignesK; QSignesK 107; OakBookS I, 66; NicBozCharV; NominaleS 600, 325; ProprChosZ)
fiches par lemme
●solase s.
- ◆“soleil” ((sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl VI. 411)
fiches par lemme
●soleillier v.
[TL 9, 795; TL 9, 891; Gdf 7, 454a; Gdf; Gdf; AND 719b; FEW 12, 28b; FEW 12, 28b; FEW 12, 28-a; BurnellRen II 866, II 277. – R 105 (1984) 328, 331; SchelerJPreis 6156.]
- ◆“chauffer au soleil” (AlexParA I, var. 76, 1682; AlexParhM 46, 5; HuonQuJérS p127, R 105 (1984) 328, 331; SchelerJPreis 6156, TL 9, 795; TL 9, 891; Gdf 7, 454a; Gdf; Gdf; AND 719b; FEW 12, 28b; FEW 12, 28b; FEW 12, 28-a; BurnellRen II 866, II 277)
fiches par lemme
●solet m.
[TL 9, 802; TL 9, 789. – R 101, 505.]
- ◆“soleil” ((sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid C 1051, R 101, 505, TL 9, 789; TL 9, 802)
fiches par lemme
●asoleillier v.
[TL; TL; TL; TL 1,601,35; TL 1,601,35; TL 1,601,35; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 447b; Gdf; AND 42a; DCCarp S.50; DCCarp S. 52; FEW 12,29a; FEW 12,29a; FEW; GlSuisse 2, 52a. – KellerWace 29a; KellerWace; RF 16, 756.]
- ◆“éclairer, faire briller le soleil sur; sécher au soleil; se chauffer au soleil” (RenR; ChétifsM 2277; ModvB2 1829; Ren?F2; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn V,172; NoomenFabl 37a/35;37b/a3; NoomenFabl, KellerWace 29a; KellerWace; RF 16, 756, TL; TL; TL 1,601,35; TL 1,601,35; TL; TL 1,601,35; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 447b; Gdf; AND 42a; DCCarp S.50; DCCarp S. 52; FEW 12,29a; FEW 12,29a; FEW; GlSuisse 2, 52a)
fiches par lemme
●ensorillier v.
[TL 3,540,14; TL; TL; FEW 12, 29a. – R 69, 430.]
- ◆“séché par le soleil” (SottChansOxfL V, 26, R 69, 430, TL; TL 3,540,14; TL; FEW 12, 29a)
fiches par lemme
●esoleillier v.
[ThomasMél2 94; ThomasMél1 2, 94.]
- ◆“chauffer au soleil” (RenR VII-IX; RenR II-VI, ThomasMél2 94; ThomasMél1 2, 94)
fiches par lemme
●essorillier v.
[TL 3,1319,5; TL 3,1319,5; Gdf; TLF 1303. – TilLex II 277.]
- ◆“chauffer au soleil” (TilLex II 277, TL 3,1319,5; TL 3,1319,5; Gdf; TLF 1303)