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tentacion f.
[TL 10, 233; TL 10, 233; GdfC 10, 753c; AND 776b; AND 776b; AND 777a; AND 777a; AND 787b; FEW 25, 379b; FEW 13, 1, 183b. – Morlet 98; OrelliBibel; Runk p.99; VRo 42, 1983, 121; ZrP 101, 1985, 128.⁠]
(temptaciom docJuBe235 4, temptacion SGraalIVQuesteP 167, 29; RègleAugbH VIII, 3; JMoteVoieP 4481, Temptacion PèresPrI5/7S, temptacïon PBeauvGerJ; [MistSGenisM], temptacions JoinvW1 30a, 32a; OvMorB p. 193, 955, temptacïons RenR VII-IX, 8705, temptaciun HArciPèresO 189, 545, 578, 701, temptation BenDucF; GuiotProvinsO A300, A157; VoieParadOrS 144; 165; 169; RenclCarH; CoincyII10N 442, 631, 666; BrendanPr1W; JobB 1296; JCondOisR; [LégDorVignBatallD]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 38, 47; BartschHorning 155, 2, temptatïon ProvSalSanI; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 1187, 4138, 6951 etc., tempteison AngDialGregP 36vob, 71voa; AngDialGregO2 1197, 4031, 8991 etc., temtacions CantLandP 385, temtation AngDialGregP 57rob, 17roa, tentacion SThibAlH II 310, tentacïon TournAntW 2566, 2678, tentasion AlexParA I, var. 133, 2761; AlexParA I, var. 133, 2761, tentation BenDucF)
  • 1o“attrait qui sollicite vers une chose défendue” (ProvSalSanI; BenDucF; BenDucF; AlexParA I, var. 133, 2761; AlexParA I, var. 133, 2761; RenR VII-IX, 8705; CantLandP 385; GuiotProvinsO A300, A157; PBeauvGerJ; PèresPrI5/7S; VoieParadOrS 144; 165; 169; AngDialGregO2 1197, 4031, 8991 etc.; AngDialGregP 36vob, 71voa; AngDialGregP 57rob, 17roa; RenclCarH; SGraalIVQuesteP 167, 29; CoincyII10N 442, 631, 666; TournAntW 2566, 2678; HArciPèresO 189, 545, 578, 701; BrendanPr1W; RègleAugbH VIII, 3; JobB 1296; SThibAlH II 310; JoinvW1 30a, 32a; JCondOisR; OvMorB p. 193, 955; JMoteVoieP 4481; [LégDorVignBatallD; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 1187, 4138, 6951 etc.; BartschChrest 38, 47; BartschHorning 155, 2, Morlet 98; OrelliBibel; Runk p.99; VRo 42, 1983, 121; ZrP 101, 1985, 128, TL 10, 233; TL 10, 233; GdfC 10, 753c; AND 776b; AND 776b; AND 777a; AND 777a; AND 787b; FEW 25, 379b; FEW 13, 1, 183b)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe235 4)
Cf. ANDEl tempteisun; DMF2009 tentation.