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fiches par lemme
tenter v.
[FEW 13, 1, 182b lt. TEMPTARE – TL 10, 180; TL 10, 236; Gdf 7, 682b; GdfC 10, 754a; AND 765b; AND 776b; AND 776b; AND 777a; AND 777a; AND 787b; AND 787b; Gay 2b; FEW 13, 1, 182b; LevyTrés. – ContPerc T 2436; Katara 424; MessnerBers 102; R 118, 493, no 23; SchelerGil II, 259.8; I, 286. 14 etc.; SchelerGil; TilLex; Trénel 211; Trénel 301; Trénel 408.]
(tantait MirNDPers1-40P, tante MorPhilP, tanté [MistSGenisM], tantee JakD 7503, tanter Saisna/lB 1114; SoneG 7318; GilMuisK 353a; GilMuisK 353a, tanterent ChevFustSa 10127, Tanterent ChevFustSa, tantier PéageChalonbA, tantoit BibleMalkS 2931 imparf. 3; GautChâtC 89, tempt (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, tempta OvArtPrR 2610, tempté BibleEntS 6272, Tempté BibleMacéL, temptees OvMorB p.81, 963, tempteir CommPsia1G, tempter BrendanW s. 209; LapidalS 218; ProvSalSanI; AdamA; AdamG3 755, 332; AdamSt 751, 332; ThomKentF 2815; BestGuillR 395; CoincyChristO 2251; ModvB2 2229, 3117, 4612, 4639; EpJérN 185, 1703; SAudreeS; SDomM; AnticlC 2502, 2502; VMortAnW 4, 6; RègleAugbH VI, 2; JobB 1077; JoinvW1 30b; NicBozAgnèsK Agnes281, 286; HMondB; MirNDPers1-40P 16892, 1022, 1228; JMoteVoieP 1807; [FroissDitsth/...F 102; AmphYpL2; OrdAdmZ; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 3225, 1058; GuiWarPrC 144, 1.20, p.242]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 77, 25; 651, 23; AngDialGregO2 1182, 1199, 2392 etc., Tempter SermMaurpB; RutebL, temptés CantLandP 1759, temptet AlNeckUtensH p. 251, temptez CoincyI1...K 33var, temta (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg 245, temtas HermValS 1729, temter AngDialGregP 54rob, 46vob, 87voa, 37roa; HArciPèresO 569, tent CantLandP 877; OiselWo 320, tenta HermValS 4113, tente CoutBretP p. 120, l. 20, tenté ChansArtB VIII, 115, 157, ténte FevresS 265-10; FevresS 92b-17; 117b-6, tenteir CommPsia1G 570. 13; 4. 5; CommPsia1G p. 3 I, tentent CoincyI1...K 398 var., tenter BenDucF 41396, 27899; SGillesP 2917; RenR XII-XVII; AntiocheD 7528; ChevVivM; ChevVivM C 783; AmbroiseP 3243; ChevBarAnS 622; WaldefH 8891, 9626; ChGuillI 2725; ChGuillM 2725; Bueve3S 5597, 5887, 15818; DurmG 3168; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; GuillMarM; CoincyII10N 237, 239, 478; ViolB 2979; TournAntW 3028; ArtusS 108, 8; CheviiEspI; EpJérN 185; ClefD 275; CleomH 1309; DrouartB 1715, 2913, 3916; JerusCont2G; RenNouvR 810; RenγF2; SThibAlH II 271, I 107; PéageChalonbA 2, 3; HMondB 893, 928, 1918, 1923; GilMuisK 353b, I, 246, 19; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 5, 55; 21, 63; BartschChrest 22, 128; 23, 105; 97, 200; CheviiEspF 3352, 252; NoomenFabl t. 6, 397, Tenter RobDiableL, tentete HelcanusN 12)
- ◆1o“entreprendre, avec l'intention de la mener à bien, une action dont l'issue est incertaine” (BrendanW s. 209; LapidalS 218; ProvSalSanI; CommPsia1G 570. 13; 4. 5; CommPsia1G p. 3 I; CommPsia1G; BenDucF 41396, 27899; AdamA; AdamSt 751, 332; SGillesP 2917; HermValS 4113; RobDiableL; AlNeckUtensH p. 251; CantLandP 1759; CantLandP 877; ChevBarAnS 622; BestGuillR 395; AngDialGregP 54rob, 46vob, 87voa, 37roa; CoincyChristO 2251; CoincyI1...K 33var; CoincyI1...K 398 var.; MorPhilP; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; CoincyII10N 237, 239, 478; BibleEntS 6272; EpJérN 185; HArciPèresO 569; SAudreeS; SermMaurpB; SDomM; AnticlC 2502, 2502; RutebL; VMortAnW 4, 6; RègleAugbH VI, 2; ClefD 275; OvArtPrR 2610; CleomH 1309; HelcanusN 12; DrouartB 1715, 2913, 3916; GautChâtC 89; JerusCont2G; JobB 1077; SThibAlH II 271, I 107; BibleMacéL; FevresS 265-10; FevresS 92b-17; 117b-6; PéageChalonbA 2, 3; PéageChalonbA; JoinvW1 30b; NicBozAgnèsK Agnes281, 286; HMondB; OvMorB p.81, 963; MirNDPers1-40P; MirNDPers1-40P 16892, 1022, 1228; JMoteVoieP 1807; GilMuisK 353a; GilMuisK 353b, I, 246, 19; [AmphYpL2; OrdAdmZ; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 3225, 1058; GuiWarPrC 144, 1.20, p.242; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 1182, 1199, 2392 etc.; Aspland 5, 55; 21, 63; Aspland; BartschHorning 77, 25; 651, 23; CheviiEspF 3352, 252, Katara 424; MessnerBers 102; R 118, 493, no 23; SchelerGil; TilLex; Trénel 301; Trénel 211, TL 10, 180; AND 765b; AND 776b; AND 776b; AND 777a; AND 777a; AND 787b; Gay 2b; FEW 13, 1, 182b; LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“inciter qn. à faire qch.” (AdamG3 755, 332; HermValS 1729; OiselWo 320; ChansArtB VIII, 115, 157; BibleMalkS 2931 imparf. 3; (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg 245, SchelerGil II, 259.8; I, 286. 14 etc., TL 10, 236; GdfC 10, 754a)
- ◆3o“examiner qn.” (RenR XII-XVII; ThomKentF 2815; AntiocheD 7528; Saisna/lB 1114; ChevVivM; ChevVivM C 783; AmbroiseP 3243; WaldefH 8891, 9626; ChGuillI 2725; ChGuillM 2725; Bueve3S 5597, 5887, 15818; DurmG 3168; GuillMarM; ViolB 2979; ModvB2 2229, 3117, 4612, 4639; TournAntW 3028; ArtusS 108, 8; CheviiEspI; EpJérN 185, 1703; ChevFustSa; ChevFustSa 10127; RenNouvR 810; RenγF2; SoneG 7318; JakD 7503; HMondB 893, 928, 1918, 1923; CoutBretP p. 120, l. 20; GilMuisK 353a; [FroissDitsth/...F 102]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 22, 128; 23, 105; 97, 200; NoomenFabl t. 6, 397, ContPerc T 2436; Trénel 408, Gdf 7, 682b; AND 787b)
Cf. ANDEl tempter[1]; DMF2009 tenter1.
fiches par lemme
●tentable adj.
[TL 10, 233; Gdf 7, 681c.]
(tanstable SBernCantG, temptable MirNDPers1-40P 17200)
- ◆“qui se laisse tenter” (SBernCantG; MirNDPers1-40P 17200, TL 10, 233; Gdf 7, 681c)
Cf. DMF2009 tentable.
fiches par lemme
●retenter v.
[TL 8, 1114; TL 8, 1126; TL 8, 1126; Gdf; GdfC 10, 563c; FEW 13, 1, 183a.]
(retempter RenclCarH)
- ◆“inciter qn. de nouveau à faire qc.” (RenclCarH, TL 8, 1114; TL 8, 1126; TL 8, 1126; Gdf; GdfC 10, 563c; FEW 13, 1, 183a)
fiches par lemme
●tentance f.
[TL 10, 233; Gdf 7, 681c; AND 776b; FEW 13, 1, 183a.]
(temptance PAbernLumH 6066)
- ◆“attrait qui sollicite vers une chose défendue” (PAbernLumH 6066, TL 10, 233; Gdf 7, 681c; AND 776b; FEW 13, 1, 183a)
fiches par lemme
●tentative f.
[GdfLex. – ActesMfr10 274; StädtlerGdfLex 274.]
- ◆“thèse” (ActesMfr10 274; StädtlerGdfLex 274, GdfLex)
fiches par lemme
●tentement m.
[TL 10, 72; TL 10, 235; Gdf 7, 682a; AND 776b; FEW 13, 1, 183a.]
(temptement RenclCarH; ProprChosMirK, tentement SThibAlH II 266)
- ◆“attrait qui sollicite vers une chose défendue” (RenclCarH; SThibAlH II 266; ProprChosMirK, TL 10, 72; AND 776b; TL 10, 235; FEW 13, 1, 183a; Gdf 7, 682a)
Cf. DMF2009 tentement.
fiches par lemme
●tenteor m.
[TL 10, 235; Gdf 7 682b; AND 777a; FEW XIII1, 183a.]
(tempeteour AngDialGregP 71rob, 36rob, tempterres ArtusS 251, 34, temptierres OvMorB 3, p. 320, 998, tenteur [AalmaR 12. 285])
- ◆“celui qui sollicite vers une chose défendue” (AngDialGregP 71rob, 36rob; ArtusS 251, 34; OvMorB 3, p. 320, 998; [AalmaR 12. 285], TL 10, 235; Gdf 7 682b; AND 777a; FEW XIII1, 183a)
fiches par lemme
●tentios adj.
(temptiu MaccabeS 1327)
- ◆“qui essaie” (MaccabeS 1327)
fiches par lemme
●tente f.
[FEW 21, 444a ‘instrument chirurgical’ – GdfC 10, 754a; GdfLex; Gay 2, 376b; FEW 21, 444a; FEW 13, 1, 183a; AND 787b; TL 10, 235; Gdf 7, 682. – StädtlerGdfLex 273; SchelerGil I, 144, 22; I, 215. 2; II, 30. 24; R 101, 509.]
(tante ErecR 5159; RCambrM, tantes RenR, tente LettrHippoT E 101; ChirRogH fo 248 ro; RecMédDissentH 150; RecMédGardH 150; HMondB 1928, 1959; MirNDPers1-40P 2297; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 124; HuntMed 31; HuntMed 124; HuntMed 1192, 1204, 1211; HuntMed 31; HuntMed 5, 7)
- ◆1o“tentative” (SchelerGil I, 144, 22; I, 215. 2; II, 30. 24; R 101, 509, TL 10, 235; Gdf 7, 682)
- ◆2opar image “instrument chirurgical servant à sonder les plaies” (ErecR 5159; RenR; RCambrM; LettrHippoT E 101; ChirRogH fo 248 ro; RecMédDissentH 150; RecMédGardH 150; HMondB 1928, 1959; MirNDPers1-40P 2297; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 124; HuntMed 31; HuntMed 124; HuntMed 1192, 1204, 1211; HuntMed 31; HuntMed 5, 7, StädtlerGdfLex 273, GdfC 10, 754a; GdfLex; AND 787b; Gay 2, 376b; FEW 21, 444a; FEW 13, 1, 183a)
fiches par lemme
●retenté adj.
[Gdf 7, 142a.]
- ◆“qui éprouve sans cesse des tentations” (Gdf 7, 142a)