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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
tormente f.
[FEW 132,45b lt. TORMENTUM – TL 10, 419; AND 834a; FEW 13,2 45b. – ContPerc; CorleyCont1 p213; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 25779; FennisGal S. 1766; LevyHagin 6c19.]
(tormente MonGuill1/2C 317, / 1139; EneasS1 669; BenTroieC; BenDucF; Saisna/lB 1118; Saisna/lB 1118; SermMaurR 5,6; ContPerc2lC2 p162; SGenB 2058, 2567; AudefroiC; ElesB RE 518, 532; RobClariL 93; CoincyI1...K 329 var.; AucR3 XXVIII,5; XXXIV 9; AucS10; RenclCarH; BesantR 1165, 3675; AnsCartA 1230, 1233; BestAmOctT 3031, 3034; ClercVaudR D 21; ContGuillTyrA 147; MaugisV 1999; HuonSQuentL 566, 2684; HaginL 6c; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 219, 23; MontRayn I, 263, Tormente PurgSPatrBerM, tormentes BrendanPr1W, tourmente Bueve3S 14034, 14111; EnfRenC; PlacTimT; DialGregEvrS p. 1008; [AmphYpL2; DeschQ III, 297 etc.; CoutMerOlaZ], turmente BrendanW 210, 905,989,1239; 1326,1401,1472; GaimarB 2188,4652; MarieGuigW2 El. 816; RouH II 2765, App. 544; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 778,785; TristThomB 2967; TristThomW D. 1695; FolTristOxfH 345; SJeanAumU 3903,5536; 4066; WaldefH 18627; ModvB2 6238; ModvB2 2602,2614,5918,5992,6051; HArciPèresO 162; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland)
- ◆1o“tourment, supplice, torture” (MonGuill1/2C 317, / 1139; Saisna/lB 1118; AudefroiC; SJeanAumU 3903,5536; 4066; BestAmOctT 3031, 3034; ClercVaudR D 21; HuonSQuentL 566, 2684; [DeschQ III, 297 etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; MontRayn I, 263, TL 10, 419)
- ◆2o“tempête violente (sur mer)” (BrendanW 210, 905,989,1239; 1326,1401,1472; GaimarB 2188,4652; EneasS1 669; MarieGuigW2 El. 816; BenTroieC; RouH II 2765, App. 544; BenDucF; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 778,785; TristThomB 2967; TristThomW D. 1695; FolTristOxfH 345; Saisna/lB 1118; SermMaurR 5,6; ContPerc2lC2 p162; SGenB 2058, 2567; ElesB RE 518, 532; WaldefH 18627; RobClariL 93; Bueve3S 14034, 14111; CoincyI1...K 329 var.; AucR3 XXVIII,5; XXXIV 9; AucS10; RenclCarH; BesantR 1165, 3675; ModvB2 6238; ModvB2 2602,2614,5918,5992,6051; AnsCartA 1230, 1233; PurgSPatrBerM; ContGuillTyrA 147; HArciPèresO 162; MaugisV 1999; BrendanPr1W; HaginL 6c; EnfRenC; PlacTimT; DialGregEvrS p. 1008; [AmphYpL2; CoutMerOlaZ]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 219, 23, ContPerc; CorleyCont1 p213; CorleyCont2 25779; CorleyCont2; FennisGal S. 1766; LevyHagin 6c19, AND 834a; FEW 13,2 45b)
Cf. Cf. ANDEl turment; DMF tourmente.
fiches par lemme
●partormente f.
(partormente RenR II-VI)
- ◆“tempête violente (sur mer)” (RenR II-VI)
fiches par lemme
[TL 8, 1146; FEW 13, 2.45b.]
- ◆“harceler (qn) de nouveau, tourmenter (qn) de nouveau” (TL 8, 1146; FEW 13, 2.45b)
fiches par lemme
●tormentant m.
[AND 834b.]
- ◆“celui qui tourmente (qn), bourreau” (AND 834b)
Cf. ANDEl turmentant.
fiches par lemme
●torment m.
[TL 10, 417; Gdf 7, 755b; GdfC 10, 786 a; AND 834a; Gay; FEW 13,2 44a; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ContPerc; Katara 428; KleiberIre 237; LebsanftGruß p. 384, 516; MedAev 33 (1964) 4; V. 1632; Messelaar 46, 193; MessnerBers 70, 167; Pope 184, 668; R 114,82; RF 158; SammetSuff 79; Ziltener 666, 891; ZrP 77, 235.]
(tomans DolopL, tormans GautChâtC 119, tormant ErecR 4461; CligesG; CligesM 5977; CligesM 5052; FloovA 428, 2129; FolTristBernH2 546; Bueve2S; [MistSGenisM], tormante CligesG; CligesM 2363, 2376, tormanz OvArtElieK 968, 971, 1210, tormens BrendanPr1W; GlDouaiE1 103; GautChâtC 42, 45, 64; JoinvW1 224e; 452g; 490e; 530e; SMarg11T, torment GrantMalS2 21c, 58e, 62c, 99f; 79f; WaceConcA 74, 87, 305; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 3340; 5131; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 2767; 583, 9991; FloreaK 1034; FloreaW 1034; ChronSMichelB 3506; BenTroieC; BenDucF; AdamG3 198, 552; Aiol1/2F 8433; GautArrIllC; EructavitJ 2109; EructavitJ; FlorebK 366, 545, ...; FlorebP 544, 1563, 592, 366; AlexArsM C 567; AlexParA II β 80 34 var. t. 5; RègleHospCamS 216; AimonFlH 3426, 11777; RenR XII-XVII 14409; TristThomB; TristThomW Sn. 1 575; Saisna/lB 1118; SimFreineGeorgM S.G. 656, 1468; SimFreineGeorgM 656, 1468, 463, 59; VMortHélW 39,8; 41,4; AlNeckUtensH p. 254; ContGuillTyrdM 131; ElucidaireiiiD III 120M, II 13M; GuiotProvinsO 1204, 2474; SGenB; AmbroiseP 1507; AudefroiC I, 4; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 44, 919 (D); 3271; MorPhilPrH 106, 18; PBeauvGerJ; SEust2P 1889, 1899; BestGuillR 127, 2267; FlorenceW 372a; PurgSPatrHarlV 34; PurgSPatrHarlV; BlancandS 3156, 3150, 3187; Bueve1S 250, 3746, 5359 etc.; ChevBarBloisB; OrsonP; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 149, 290 (var.), 296, 318, 323, *23; BesantR 820*; 2342; SCathAumN 2000, 2044; TristPrC 6,8; 16,4 etc.; AnsCartA 2075D; FournChansL; GilChinP; Pères10C 891; RigomerF; SMarg5T; AnticlC 2625; VMortAnW 48, 6; CharroicL; AdHalePartN IX, 32; XI, 116; DancusT 16, 28; DancusT; CoutMerOl II, 66; CoutMerOltZ; DrouartB 1386; SThibAlH II 232; FevresS; FoukeB 63, 29; FoukeH 45. 39; BertaMilC 210, 223, 359 etc.; GesteFrancorR 9562; OgDanAlC 606, 912, 1223, 66; GeoffrParChronD 4006, 5646, etc.; OvMorB 4, p. 75, 2995; TombChartr1/2/3S; [AalmaR 2587; AalmaR 2580; AalmaR 13. 425; AalmaR 12. 545; AalmaR 12. 075]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 6,12; 18,247; 33, 197; 48,74; 43, 20; BartschHorning 7,29; 469,30; NoomenFabl t. 9 362a; NoomenFabl 434; NoomenFabl t. 6 397; NoomenFabl II 6/ 291; RomPast I 63/ 29; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 153, Torment JostPletR; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, TORMENT GuillPalMo; Pères51R1, Torment- PurgSPatrBerM, tormént FevresS 16b-23; 58-13; 125-6; 191-11; 123-7, tormenz PassionA S. 100 v. 66; GrantMalS2 107d; 80d; 94f; BenDucM II, p. 460, v. 28675; CantLandP 1568; ContGuillTyrA 147, 148, 149; MenReimsP 71; MenReimsW 71; DébCorpsArrL, Tormenz SermMaurpB, tornment [SEust10P 297; 691], tourmens AlexParA II (β 132.1) 14; JoinvW1; DébCorpsArrL 40 bis, 89; 47, 89; 231, 252; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2389; AndrVigneSMartD apr. 2269; apr. 7950], tourment MerlinM; ChansArtB III, 88; XIII, 21; XXII, 149; GilChinP; AmDieuK; EmpConstOctC 109; JobB 1300...; LicorneG 272, 5669; JVignayEnsK 23; ProprChosZ; RenContrR I, 276 §112; BelleHelR 901 a; 3466; 3491; 4295; [AmphYpL2; BerinB 260, 254, 250, 221, 228, 230, 242, 244; AalmaR 126; AalmaR 196; FierPrM 1775; SEust11P 603; SEust11P 10821, 2846, 6877], Tourment VillehW, tromant OgDanAlC, tromens HuonAuvBrB, turménç FevresS 11-19, turment BrendanW 210, 1144; 206,626,920; PhThCompS 19r, 1786; PhThBestWa; GaimarB 2147,2402; MarieGuigW2 El. 829; MarieLaisR; HornP 4279; SThomGuernW1 107,2655; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 3,90; 18,35; MarieFabW2; EdmK 2593; SGillesP 232; ProtH; ThomKentF 999,5847; 5797,5861,6369; TristThomB 268,390,666; TristThomW Sn.^216,614, T.^93,100; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; SEdmPassG 60,775,1476etc.; ChGuillI 553; BrutIntB; PurgSPatrCamZ; HArciPèresO 1202,5856; RésSauvcJ; FevresS; (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg 637, Turment PurgSPatrBerM; MirAgn2K; MirAgn2K, turmenta BlackBookT II p. 218, turmenz EdConfVatS)
- ◆“tourment, supplice, torture, aussi tourmente, tempête” (PassionA S. 100 v. 66; BrendanW 210, 1144; 206,626,920; PhThCompS 19r, 1786; PhThBestWa; GrantMalS2 107d; 80d; 94f; GrantMalS2 21c, 58e, 62c, 99f; 79f; WaceConcA 74, 87, 305; GaimarB 2147,2402; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 3340; 5131; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 2767; 583, 9991; FloreaK 1034; FloreaW 1034; ChronSMichelB 3506; MarieGuigW2 El. 829; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 4461; HornP 4279; BenDucF; BenDucM II, p. 460, v. 28675; SThomGuernW1 107,2655; AdamG3 198, 552; Aiol1/2F 8433; GautArrIllC; CligesG; CligesG; CligesM 5977; CligesM 5052; CligesM 2363, 2376; EructavitJ 2109; EructavitJ; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 3,90; 18,35; MarieFabW2; EdmK 2593; FlorebK 366, 545, ...; FlorebP 544, 1563, 592, 366; SGillesP 232; AlexArsM C 567; AlexParA II β 80 34 var. t. 5; AlexParA II (β 132.1) 14; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 216; AimonFlH 3426, 11777; RenR XII-XVII 14409; ThomKentF 999,5847; 5797,5861,6369; TristThomB 268,390,666; TristThomB; TristThomW Sn.^216,614, T.^93,100; TristThomW Sn. 1 575; FloovA 428, 2129; Saisna/lB 1118; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM S.G. 656, 1468; SimFreineGeorgM 656, 1468, 463, 59; VMortHélW 39,8; 41,4; AlNeckUtensH p. 254; CantLandP 1568; ContGuillTyrdM 131; ElucidaireiiiD III 120M, II 13M; GuiotProvinsO 1204, 2474; SGenB; VillehW; AmbroiseP 1507; AudefroiC I, 4; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 44, 919 (D); 3271; FolTristBernH2 546; GuillPalMo; MorPhilPrH 106, 18; PBeauvGerJ; SEdmPassG 60,775,1476etc.; SEust2P 1889, 1899; BestGuillR 127, 2267; ChGuillI 553; FlorenceW 372a; MerlinM; PurgSPatrHarlV 34; PurgSPatrHarlV; BlancandS 3156, 3150, 3187; BrutIntB; Bueve1S 250, 3746, 5359 etc.; Bueve2S; OvArtElieK 968, 971, 1210; ChevBarBloisB; DolopL; OrsonP; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 149, 290 (var.), 296, 318, 323, *23; BesantR 820*; 2342; ChansArtB III, 88; XIII, 21; XXII, 149; SCathAumN 2000, 2044; TristPrC 6,8; 16,4 etc.; AnsCartA 2075D; FournChansL; GilChinP; GilChinP; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; MirAgn2K; MirAgn2K; AmDieuK; ContGuillTyrA 147, 148, 149; HArciPèresO 1202,5856; Pères10C 891; Pères51R1; RigomerF; RésSauvcJ; SMarg5T; SermMaurpB; JostPletR; MenReimsP 71; MenReimsW 71; AnticlC 2625; BrendanPr1W; VMortAnW 48, 6; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC 109; AdHalePartN IX, 32; XI, 116; DancusT 16, 28; DancusT; GlDouaiE1 103; CoutMerOl II, 66; CoutMerOltZ; DrouartB 1386; GautChâtC 119; GautChâtC 42, 45, 64; JobB 1300...; SThibAlH II 232; FevresS 11-19; FevresS; FevresS; FevresS 16b-23; 58-13; 125-6; 191-11; 123-7; JoinvW1 224e; 452g; 490e; 530e; JoinvW1; FoukeB 63, 29; FoukeH 45. 39; BertaMilC 210, 223, 359 etc.; GesteFrancorR 9562; OgDanAlC 606, 912, 1223, 66; OgDanAlC; GeoffrParChronD 4006, 5646, etc.; LicorneG 272, 5669; OvMorB 4, p. 75, 2995; DébCorpsArrL; DébCorpsArrL 40 bis, 89; 47, 89; 231, 252; HuonAuvBrB; TombChartr1/2/3S; JVignayEnsK 23; ProprChosZ; BlackBookT II p. 218; RenContrR I, 276 §112; BelleHelR 901 a; 3466; 3491; 4295; SMarg11T; [AmphYpL2; BerinB 260, 254, 250, 221, 228, 230, 242, 244; AalmaR 126; AalmaR 196; AalmaR 2587; AalmaR 2580; AalmaR 13. 425; AalmaR 12. 545; AalmaR 12. 075; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2389; SEust10P 297; 691; FierPrM 1775; SEust11P 603; SEust11P 10821, 2846, 6877; MistSGenisM; AndrVigneSMartD apr. 2269; apr. 7950]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 6,12; 18,247; 33, 197; 48,74; 43, 20; BartschHorning 7,29; 469,30; HenryŒn; NoomenFabl t. 9 362a; NoomenFabl 434; NoomenFabl t. 6 397; NoomenFabl II 6/ 291; RomPast I 63/ 29; SGreg 637; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 153, ContPerc; Katara 428; KleiberIre 237; LebsanftGruß p. 384, 516; MedAev 33 (1964) 4; V. 1632; Messelaar 46, 193; MessnerBers 70, 167; Pope 184, 668; R 114,82; RF 158; SammetSuff 79; Ziltener 666, 891; ZrP 77, 235, TL 10, 417; Gdf 7, 755b; GdfC 10, 786 a; AND 834a; Gay; FEW 13,2 44a; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●tormentable adj.
[TL 10, 419; AND 834b; AND 834b.]
(tormentable ProvSalSanI, tourmentable [DeschQ II, 102])
- ◆“qui tourmente, qui est plein de tourments” (ProvSalSanI; [DeschQ II, 102], TL 10, 419; AND 834b; AND 834b)
fiches par lemme
●tormentablement adv.
[Gdf 7, 755c.]
(tormentablement [AalmaR 12. 565])
- ◆“en tourmentant” ([AalmaR 12. 565], Gdf 7, 755c)
Cf. DMF2009 tourmentablement.
fiches par lemme
●tormental m.
[TL 10, 419; Gdf 7, 755c; FEW 13,2 44b.]
(tormentax QSignesK; QSignesK)
- ◆“tourmente, tempête” (QSignesK; QSignesK, TL 10, 419; Gdf 7, 755c; FEW 13,2 44b)
fiches par lemme
●tormentement m.
[TL 10, 421; Gdf 7, 755c; FEW 13,2 45b.]
(tormantemant JPrioratR 1620, 10918, tormentemens GlDouaiE1 134)
- ◆“supplice, torture, tourment” (GlDouaiE1 134; JPrioratR 1620, 10918, TL 10, 421; Gdf 7, 755c; FEW 13,2 45b)
fiches par lemme
●tormenteor m.
[DEAF; TL 10, 421; Gdf 7, 756a; AND 801a; AND 834b. – [sigle].]
(tormenteor ElucidaireiiiD II 9M, tormenteour BanMetzW 535; RenclCarH, tormenteur [LégDorVignBatallD 156, 732], tormenteurs MarieEspP, tourmentëour BodelNicH 539, tourmenteour (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 60, 156, tourmenteur [AalmaR 12.565; AalmaR 13, 2.45 b], tourmenteurs JobB 1095, tourmentour NicBozJulK Jul. 162, turmenteürs EdmK 2395,2441, turmentour BibleHolkP 24,10; 38,11f)
- ◆“celui qui tourmente, bourreau” (EdmK 2395,2441; BodelNicH 539; MarieEspP; ElucidaireiiiD II 9M; SEdmPassG 329; BanMetzW 535; RenclCarH; JobB 1095; BibleHolkP 24,10; 38,11f; NicBozJulK Jul. 162; [AalmaR 12.565; AalmaR 13, 2.45 b; LégDorVignBatallD 156, 732]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 60, 156, [sigle], DEAF; TL 10, 421; Gdf 7, 756a; AND 801a; AND 834b)
fiches par lemme
●tormenter v.
[TL 10, 421; Gdf 7, 756a; GdfC 10, 786 b; AND 834b; FEW 13,2 44b; FEW; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ContPerc T 13115; CorleyCont1 p213; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 32031; FennisGal S. 1766; Messelaar 46, 195; R 77, p. 377; RLaR 94 (1990) p. 152; TilLex.]
(tormanter CligesG; CligesM 5044; ChevVivM E 62; ChevVivM D 934; ChevVivM; ContPerc2lC2 p162; GlBâleB; DancusT 16, 28; DancusT; [MistSGenisM], tormantèr GlBâleB, tormentast GeoffrParChronD 2109, tormentastes [LégDorVignBatallD], tormente TournAntW 3297, tormenté ChevBarBloisB, tormentee AliscW p. 231 v. 4037 var; BesantR 2243; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9 362a, tormentent BrendanPr1W, tormenter LapidffS 263D p. 301; ProvSalSanI; BenTroieC; RouH II 2784; BenDucF 22265, 3911, 7889; GautArrIllC; FlorebK 608; SimFreineGeorgM S.G. 1284, 1550; SimFreineGeorgM 1284, 1550, 277, 1552; SGenB 807, 2193, 2883, 699; BibleGuiotW VI, 24; BueveAgnS 2414; PBeauvGerJ; BestGuillR 2134; AngDialGregP 136r°a; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 280; Bueve1S 573; Bueve2S 8525, 15050; CoincyI1...K 414var; CoincyII1...K 166 var; FolLancB; GilChinP; SCathVérB; SCathVérB 1011, 1855; SAudreeS; SMarg5T; HaginL 8d; 15c; 20a; VisTondpF p22; EnfOgS 3121; GlDouaiE1 134; GautChâtC 98, 45. 64; SThibAlH II 235, 343, 736; GeoffrParChronD 4971; [AalmaR 12. 555; AalmaR 5939; AalmaR 2586; FierPrM 2542]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 61, 199, 97, 7; BartschHorning 205,22; 257,2; NoomenFabl 34b/ A 171; RivièrePast; WaceMargK 153, Tormenter RobDiableL; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, tormentér Aiol1/2F 2192, torméntér ChastSGilS 52; FevresS 12b-8; 21-6; 125-24; 209b-19, tormentés CoincyI1...K 834 var; HuonR 3191, tormentez GrantMalS2 62e, tormentoit [LégDorVignBatallD], tourmanter MirNDPers1-40P, tourmenté [SottiesP I, 167, V. 450], tourmenter VMortAnW 3, 10; 250, 12; EnfRenC; JobB 1086; PlacTimT; DébCorpsArrL 48; JMoteVoieP 3066; RenContrR 15573; BelleHelR 901 a; 1072; ChevPapH 76, 10, 11; [AalmaR 197; AalmaR 193; AalmaR 427], Tourmenter (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn; HenryŒn, tourmentés RichH, turmenté SEdmPassG 745,914,1660, turmenter GaimarB 2904; MarieGuigW2 Y.410, M.61; MarieLaisR; EdConfVatS; MarieFabW2; ProtH; ThomKentF 1295; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; HArciPèresO 728, Turmenter PurgSPatrBerM)
- ◆“affliger de peines cruelles corporelles ou morales, torturer, aussi subir une tourmente” (LapidffS 263D p. 301; GrantMalS2 62e; GaimarB 2904; ProvSalSanI; MarieGuigW2 Y.410, M.61; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; RouH II 2784; BenDucF 22265, 3911, 7889; Aiol1/2F 2192; GautArrIllC; CligesG; CligesM 5044; MarieFabW2; FlorebK 608; ProtH; ThomKentF 1295; AliscW p. 231 v. 4037 var; RobDiableL; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM S.G. 1284, 1550; SimFreineGeorgM 1284, 1550, 277, 1552; ChevVivM E 62; ChevVivM D 934; ChevVivM; ContPerc2lC2 p162; SGenB 807, 2193, 2883, 699; BibleGuiotW VI, 24; BueveAgnS 2414; PBeauvGerJ; SEdmPassG 745,914,1660; BestGuillR 2134; AngDialGregP 136r°a; GlBâleB; GlBâleB; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 280; Bueve1S 573; Bueve2S 8525, 15050; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyI1...K 414var; CoincyI1...K 834 var; BesantR 2243; CoincyII1...K 166 var; TournAntW 3297; FolLancB; GilChinP; PurgSPatrBerM; SCathVérB; SCathVérB 1011, 1855; HArciPèresO 728; HuonR 3191; SAudreeS; SMarg5T; BrendanPr1W; VMortAnW 3, 10; 250, 12; HaginL 8d; 15c; 20a; EnfRenC; VisTondpF p22; EnfOgS 3121; ChastSGilS 52; DancusT 16, 28; DancusT; RichH; GlDouaiE1 134; GautChâtC 98, 45. 64; JobB 1086; PlacTimT; SThibAlH II 235, 343, 736; FevresS 12b-8; 21-6; 125-24; 209b-19; GeoffrParChronD 2109; GeoffrParChronD 4971; DébCorpsArrL 48; MirNDPers1-40P; JMoteVoieP 3066; RenContrR 15573; BelleHelR 901 a; 1072; ChevPapH 76, 10, 11; [AalmaR 197; AalmaR 193; AalmaR 12. 555; AalmaR 5939; AalmaR 2586; AalmaR 427; FierPrM 2542; SottiesP I, 167, V. 450; LégDorVignBatallD; LégDorVignBatallD; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 4008, 6762, 13735 etc.; BartschChrest 61, 199, 97, 7; BartschHorning 205,22; 257,2; HenryŒn; HenryŒn; HenryŒn; NoomenFabl t. 9 362a; NoomenFabl 34b/ A 171; RivièrePast; WaceMargK 153, ContPerc T 13115; CorleyCont1 p213; CorleyCont2 32031; CorleyCont2; FennisGal S. 1766; Messelaar 46, 195; R 77, p. 377; RLaR 94 (1990) p. 152; TilLex, TL 10, 421; Gdf 7, 756a; GdfC 10, 786 b; AND 834b; FEW 13,2 44b; FEW; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●tormentere s.
(tormenteres GlDouaiE1 133)
- ◆“supplice, torture, tourment” (GlDouaiE1 133)
fiches par lemme
●tormentier adj.
[FEW 13,2 44b.]
- ◆“qui cause des tourments” (FEW 13,2 44b)
fiches par lemme
●tormentille f.
[AND 834b; FEW; GdfC 10, 780a. – ZfSL 86,259; RlFl 5, 218; ZfSL 86 p. 259; RlFl 5, 218.]
(tormentelle MédLiégH 509, tormentilla FevresS 248-13, tormentille HMondB 1799, 2068; [GrantHerbC s. 170 n° 482]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 15, 89, tourmentille HMondB)
- ◆t. de botanique “plante herbacée vivace de la famille des Rosacées qui est caractérisée par une tige ramifiée, de petites fleurs jaunes et solitaires et d'un rhizome contenant du tanin et une matière colorante rouge utilisé comme astringent, tormentille (Potentilla erecta L.)” (MédLiégH 509; FevresS 248-13; HMondB 1799, 2068; HMondB; [GrantHerbC s. 170 n° 482]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 15, 89, RlFl 5, 218; ZfSL 86 p. 259; RlFl 5, 218; ZfSL 86,259, FEW; GdfC 10, 780a; AND 834b)
fiches par lemme
●tormentine f.
[TL 10, 423; TL 10, 423; Gdf 7, 756b; AND 801a; FEW 13,2 44b; BarbierProc S. 101; LevyTrés. – FrankHart 110; HuntPl p. 252; MélLecoy S. 549; MélSéguy 1, 83; RlFl Bd. 5 218; RlFl Bd. 218.]
(tormantine [ProstInv II 1555], tormentine LettrHippoT p. 179; RecMédCambraiS p. 266; ChirPoutrS 29r°15; FevresS 187. 226-9; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed; HuntMed 276, 580; HuntMed 7, tourmentine SEvroulS; [ProstInv II, 142; AdAiglesB 22, 2, 13L], turmentine RecMédJuteH S. 249 / Z. 27; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 1,87)
- ◆1o“tourment, supplice, torture” (SEvroulS; [ProstInv II 1555; AdAiglesB 22, 2, 13L], FrankHart 110; MélLecoy S. 549, TL 10, 423; Gdf 7, 756b; BarbierProc S. 101)
- ◆2ot. de botanique “plante herbacée vivace de la famille des Rosacées qui est caractérisée par une tige ramifiée, de petites fleurs jaunes et solitaires et d'un rhizome contenant du tanin et une matière colorante rouge utilisé comme astringent, tormentille (Potentilla erecta L.)” (RecMédJuteH S. 249 / Z. 27; LettrHippoT p. 179; RecMédCambraiS p. 266; ChirPoutrS 29r°15; FevresS 187. 226-9; [ProstInv II, 142]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed; HuntMed 276, 580; HuntMed 7; HuntMed 1,87, HuntPl p. 252; MélSéguy 1, 83; RlFl Bd. 5 218; RlFl Bd. 218, TL 10, 423; AND 801a; FEW 13,2 44b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●tormentos adj.
[TL 10, 424; Gdf 7, 756b; FEW 13,2 44b.]
(tormentos AmbroiseP 213b; 7903; BesantR 1633)
- ◆“qui est agitée, tumultueuse (en parlant de la mer)” (AmbroiseP 213b; 7903; BesantR 1633, TL 10, 424; Gdf 7, 756b; FEW 13,2 44b)
Cf. DMF2009 tourmenteux.
fiches par lemme
●tormetissement m.
- ◆“tremblement, ébranlement” (LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●tormenteement adv.
[Gdf 7, 755c; FEW 13, 45 a.]
- ◆“d'une manière qui tourmente, avec tourment” (Gdf 7, 755c; FEW 13, 45 a)
Cf. DMF2009 tourmentément.