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fiches par lemme
[FEW 132,252a lt. TRIBULARE. – Gdf 8,69a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 824a; AND 824a; AND 824a; AND 825b; FEW 13,2.252a; FEW 13,2.252a; FEW 253b; FEW 13,2.252b; LevyTrés. – ActesMfr10 276; LevyHagin 67c25;68a21; MélElliott p.79; MénardRire p.118; R 68,p.495; R 63,p.255; R 68,p.495; R 68,p.495; R 71,p.277; SchelerGil I,145.25; SchelerJPreis 37529;12712; SchelerJPreis 2001; SchelerJPreis 12710; StädtlerGdfLex 276; ZrP Bd.94,1978,S.437; [sigle].]
(treboille EstFougK 1055r, treboiller ContGuillTyrA 129,414, treboilloneus OvMorB 14,p.25,545, trébolér FevresS 323b-15;150-7, trebouler GautLeuL2 VIII,138; GautLeuL2 p.327(138), Trebouler GautLeuL2, treboullier ContGuillTyrA 429, Tribo(u)ler (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, triboillant CoincyI1...K 142var., tribola EneasS1 7459, tribolay AspinChansPol, tribolé BenTroieC; YvainR 1249, tribolées RenR, triboleir ChansSatBachJ, triboler CommPsia1G 596.6; GarLorrI; ContGuillTyrdM 91; SJeanEvW 691; ArtusS 273,20; LionBourgAlK 155,10998; (sigles à datations multiples:) RivièrePast, TRIBOLER ThibBlaisN, tribolez JuiseR, Tribollez BibleMacéP, tribouillé [SottiesP III,194,v.379], triboulant OvMorB 5,p.20,769, triboulé AnsMetznG 1781,1894,3655,14518; JVignayVégL, triboulee CoincyII1...K 589var.; OvMorB 5,p.206,815, Triboulee BibleMacéS, tribouleir MenReimsP 103,118; MenReimsW, tribouler MarieChievreRi 62; GuingT; GuibAndrM 2449D; CoincyI1...K 440var.; CoincyI11V 1132; CoincyI41/42R 440; TrubertR; TrubertR 2866; TrubertU 2868; CoincyII1...K 184 var.; EustMoineC 1521; EustMoineF; CourLouiscLe; EnfRenC; RenAndJ 40d; DrouartB 4439; JMeunTestB; ProprChosSq; PassEntreR 1805; [AalmaR 12675; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1731; DeschQ VI,266; MistHag1-6J 662], triboulez OvMorB 4,p.156,6958; JDupinMelL 652; PassEntreG 1804, Triboulle BibleMacéL, tribulaut [AndrVigneSMartD v.25], tribuler MarieGuigW2 Gn.117; MarieFabW2; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 14, tribules JVignayVégL, tribulés [OresmePolM S.222b])
- ◆“tourmenter, vexer, affliger (qn), agiter, ravager qc., et sim.” (JuiseR; EneasS1 7459; CommPsia1G 596.6; MarieChievreRi 62; MarieGuigW2 Gn.117; BenTroieC; EstFougK 1055r; YvainR 1249; MarieFabW2; GarLorrI; GuingT; RenR; ContGuillTyrdM 91; GuibAndrM 2449D; ThibBlaisN; AnsMetznG 1781,1894,3655,14518; CoincyI1...K 440var.; CoincyI1...K 142var.; CoincyI11V 1132; CoincyI41/42R 440; SJeanEvW 691; TrubertR; TrubertR 2866; TrubertU 2868; CoincyII1...K 184 var.; CoincyII1...K 589var.; ArtusS 273,20; EustMoineC 1521; EustMoineF; AspinChansPol; ChansSatBachJ; ContGuillTyrA 129,414; ContGuillTyrA 429; CourLouiscLe; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2 VIII,138; GautLeuL2 p.327(138); MenReimsP 103,118; MenReimsW; EnfRenC; RenAndJ 40d; DrouartB 4439; JMeunTestB; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS; FevresS 323b-15;150-7; JVignayVégL; JVignayVégL; OvMorB 5,p.20,769; OvMorB 4,p.156,6958; OvMorB 14,p.25,545; OvMorB 5,p.206,815; ProprChosSq; JDupinMelL 652; LionBourgAlK 155,10998; PassEntreG 1804; PassEntreR 1805; [OresmePolM S.222b; AalmaR 12675; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1731; DeschQ VI,266; SottiesP III,194,v.379; MistHag1-6J 662; AndrVigneSMartD v.25]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn; HuntMed 14; RivièrePast, ActesMfr10 276; LevyHagin 67c25;68a21; MélElliott p.79; MénardRire p.118; R 68,p.495; R 63,p.255; R 68,p.495; R 68,p.495; R 71,p.277; SchelerGil I,145.25; SchelerJPreis 37529;12712; SchelerJPreis 2001; SchelerJPreis 12710; StädtlerGdfLex 276; ZrP Bd.94,1978,S.437; [sigle], Gdf 8,69a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 824a; AND 824a; AND 824a; AND 825b; FEW 13,2.252a; FEW 13,2.252a; FEW 253b; FEW 13,2.252b; LevyTrés)
Cf. ANDEl tribuiller; DMF tribuler.
fiches par lemme
[TL 8, 1181; Gdf; Gdf 7, 158b; Gdf; FEW 13, 2. 252b.]
- ◆“tourmenter à son tour, accabler de nouveau” (TL 8, 1181; Gdf; Gdf 7, 158b; Gdf; FEW 13, 2. 252b)
fiches par lemme
●tribol f. m.
[TL 10,643; Gdf 8,68b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 824a; FEW 13,2.253a; FEW 13,2.252b; FEW 383a; AdHaleLexM. – Brüll 243; Fagniez 2,295; Guinet; MélRychner; RlFl Bd.6;7; RoPh 26,622; TraLiLi 16,189; TraLiLi 16-1,189; Trénel 218.]
(triballe [CensMontjM S.47], tribol BenTroieC; CligesG; CligesM 1065; SermMaurR 27,28;60,16; NarbS 5555; AnsMetznG 1677; LancPrM XIIIa,2;XVa,19;XIV,21; ArtusS 205,25;283,40; AdHalePartN XVII,33; ImpArtB, tribor Saisna/lB 1122, Tribou SermMaurpB, tribou JMeunVégR 47,48etc., tribouil (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XX,291, triboul MortAymC 1242; CoincyI11V; MorPhilP 3652; JeuxPartL; MaccabGautS; GeoffrParChronD 2243;7617; OvMorB 11,p.195,3200; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 21 749; [ModusT 136,35;221,65;223,63; JFevRespH 1571,1597,1663; DeschQ I,109;V,293,etc.], tribous MonGuill1/2C 258.663; BenDucM II,p.191,v.20958;III,p.287,v.39531; JoinvW1 452e, tribouz LancPrK 69.10,105.16; CensHôtProvinsM 225; (sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl XII,754; MontRayn V,240; NoomenFabl t.7,451; ReidFabl, tribuil IpH; BibleDécb/eN; HArciPèresO 5145, tribuls CantLandP 693)
- ◆1o“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (BenTroieC; BenDucM II,p.191,v.20958;III,p.287,v.39531; CligesG; CligesM 1065; IpH; Saisna/lB 1122; SermMaurR 27,28;60,16; CantLandP 693; BibleDécb/eN; NarbS 5555; AngDialGregO2 16030; MortAymC 1242; AnsMetznG 1677; LancPrK 69.10,105.16; LancPrM XIIIa,2;XVa,19;XIV,21; CoincyI11V; MorPhilP 3652; ArtusS 205,25;283,40; HArciPèresO 5145; JeuxPartL; SermMaurpB; CensHôtProvinsM 225; MaccabGautS; AdHalePartN XVII,33; JMeunVégR 47,48etc.; ImpArtB; JoinvW1 452e; GeoffrParChronD 2243;7617; OvMorB 11,p.195,3200; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 21 749; [ModusT 136,35;221,65;223,63; JFevRespH 1571,1597,1663; DeschQ I,109;V,293,etc.; CensMontjM S.47]; (sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl XII,754; MontRayn V,240; NoomenFabl t.7,451; RecHist XX,291; ReidFabl, Brüll 243; Fagniez 2,295; Guinet; MélRychner; RlFl Bd.6;7; RoPh 26,622; TraLiLi 16,189; TraLiLi 16-1,189; Trénel 218, TL 10,643; Gdf 8,68b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 824a; FEW 13,2.253a; FEW 13,2.252b; FEW 383a; AdHaleLexM)
- ◆2o“sorte de chaussures portées par les religieux” (MonGuill1/2C 258.663)
fiches par lemme
●tribolance f.
[TL 10,643; Gdf 8,70c; AND 813a; AND 824a.]
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (TL 10,643; Gdf 8,70c; AND 813a; AND 824a)
Cf. ANDEl tribulance.
fiches par lemme
●tribolee f.
[TL 10,643; GdfLex; FEW 13,2.252b. – ActesMfr10 276; StädtlerGdfLex 276.]
- ◆1o“mélange” (TL 10,643; FEW 13,2.252b)
- ◆2o“giboulée” (ActesMfr10 276; StädtlerGdfLex 276, GdfLex)
Cf. DMF2009 triboulée.
fiches par lemme
●tribolement m.
[TL 10,644; Gdf 8,68c; FEW 13,2.252b; LevyTrés. – LevyHagin 46b21; Trénel 217.]
(Tribolement BibleMacéS3, triboulement HaginL 46b; OvMorB 11,p.181,2617; JMoteVoieP 1315; [DeschQ II,79;VI,272])
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (HaginL 46b; BibleMacéS3; OvMorB 11,p.181,2617; JMoteVoieP 1315; [DeschQ II,79;VI,272], LevyHagin 46b21; Trénel 217, TL 10,644; Gdf 8,68c; FEW 13,2.252b; LevyTrés)
Cf. DMF2009 triboulement.
fiches par lemme
●triboleor m.
[TL 10,644; TL 10,644; Gdf 8,69a; AND 824a; AND 824a; FEW 13,2.252b.]
(Triboleor JostPletR, tribouleeur CoincyI1...L 284; CoincyI1...L, tribouleres ChevFustSa 5197,15444, Tribouleres ChevFustSa, triboulerres CoincyI1...L 202; CoincyII1...K 64var., tribouleur CoincyI1...K 1132var.)
- ◆“celui qui joue à de mauvais jeux, qui tient ou fréquente de mauvaise assemblées, agitateur, escamoteur” (CoincyI1...K 1132var.; CoincyI1...L 284; CoincyI1...L 202; CoincyI1...L; CoincyII1...K 64var.; JostPletR; ChevFustSa 5197,15444; ChevFustSa, TL 10,644; TL 10,644; Gdf 8,69a; AND 824a; AND 824a; FEW 13,2.252b)
fiches par lemme
●tribolerie f.
[TL 10,645; FEW 13,2.252b. – SchelerGil II,4.3..]
(triboulerie GilMuisK 355a;II,4,3)
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (GilMuisK 355a;II,4,3, SchelerGil II,4.3., TL 10,645; FEW 13,2.252b)
Cf. DMF2009 triboulerie.
fiches par lemme
●tribolet s.
[Brüll 243.]
(triboulet Taille1313M S.20; Taille1313M 4a; GilMuisK 355a;I,145,25)
- ◆1o“alésoir” (Brüll 243)
- ◆2o“?” (Taille1313M S.20; Taille1313M 4a; GilMuisK 355a;I,145,25)
fiches par lemme
●triboil s.
[AND 828b; AND 829a; AND 829a; FEW. – R 87,p.268.]
(triboil (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 29,94, truboil SThomFragmM, truboilz AngDialGregP 121rob, trubuil ChardryDormM 884)
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (ChardryDormM 884; AngDialGregP 121rob; SThomFragmM; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 29,94, R 87,p.268, AND 828b; AND 829a; AND 829a; FEW)
Cf. ANDEl tribuil.
fiches par lemme
●tribolierre m.
[ActesMfr10 137; DiekmannSuff 82.]
(triboulierre HaimBarW; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl II,6/C103, triboulièrres CoincyI11V 1442)
- ◆“celui qui joue à de mauvais jeux, trompeur” (HaimBarW; CoincyI11V 1442; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl II,6/C103, ActesMfr10 137; DiekmannSuff 82)
fiches par lemme
●tribolos ?
(tribolus GuerreMetzB 246f, tribulus GlBNlat8246M)
- ◆“?” (GlBNlat8246M; GuerreMetzB 246f)
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●triboleïs adj.
(triboleis PoèmeMorB 2767)
- ◆“qui est ouvragé” (PoèmeMorB 2767)
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●tribot m.
(tribout BenDucF 23141)
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (BenDucF 23141)
fiches par lemme
●tribouillerie f.
(tribouillerie (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 96,196)
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” ((sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 96,196)
fiches par lemme
●tribution f.
(tributïon MaugisV p.1740)
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (MaugisV p.1740)
fiches par lemme
●tribulacion f.
[TL 10,645; Gdf 8,68a; AND 813a; AND 824a; FEW 13,2.253b. – BlangezProv p.77; OrelliBibel; PicocheFroiss I.D.2.4.P.34; SchelerGil II,16.17;II,138.12; Trénel; WunderliEschiele 142; WunderliEschiele 45ra9,45rb2.]
(triblatïon MaugisV 1740, tribulacion CantLandP 2779,2843; MaugisV C1740; EnanchetF 42,10;42,16;42,18; RosemLec; EschieleMahW 45ra9, 45rb2; DrouartB 378; [OresmeDivC p.114; OresmeDivC p.104; DenFoulB1 II,7,12; LégDorVignBatallD 756; PassTroyB III,5711]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 478,16, Tribulacion PurgSPatrBerM, tribulacïon SermMaccM 212; JMoteVoieP 2543; TristNantS 11850,16741,17761,etc.; [MistHag6S 795], tribulacions PhThSibS; MorPhilP e.s.s. 3282; c.r.p. 6001; SGraalIVQuesteP 178,10; 243,28; TristPrG; MédLiégH 264; JoinvW1 34b;268g; OvMorB 6,p.329,1842, tribulaciun SThomBenS 772; HArciPèresO 2225;1497, tribulacïun (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 13,39, tribulation BenDucF 10033; ElucidaireiiiD II9M; MorPhilPrH 142,2; RenclCarH; AntAnW 54; EpJérN 1617,3125,3221; MahomL 154; AnticlC 3155; BrendanPr1W; SidracH p.13; JobB 1242,2379; SThibAlH II,395; LicorneG 2070; BastC 1111; [EvQuenJe 1643], Tribulation PèresPrI5/7S, tribulatïon ProvSalSanI; BelleHelR 902b, tribulations CoincyII1...K; VisTondpF p6; SidracH p.229, Tribulations SermMaurpB)
- ◆“tribulation, peine, tourment, trouble, effroi, agitation, et sim.” (PhThSibS; ProvSalSanI; BenDucF 10033; SThomBenS 772; CantLandP 2779,2843; ElucidaireiiiD II9M; MorPhilPrH 142,2; PèresPrI5/7S; MorPhilP e.s.s. 3282; c.r.p. 6001; RenclCarH; SGraalIVQuesteP 178,10; 243,28; CoincyII1...K; TristPrG; PurgSPatrBerM; AntAnW 54; EpJérN 1617,3125,3221; HArciPèresO 2225;1497; MaugisV 1740; MaugisV C1740; SermMaccM 212; SermMaurpB; EnanchetF 42,10;42,16;42,18; MahomL 154; AnticlC 3155; BrendanPr1W; MédLiégH 264; RosemLec; VisTondpF p6; EschieleMahW 45ra9, 45rb2; SidracH p.13; SidracH p.229; DrouartB 378; JobB 1242,2379; SThibAlH II,395; JoinvW1 34b;268g; LicorneG 2070; OvMorB 6,p.329,1842; JMoteVoieP 2543; BastC 1111; BelleHelR 902b; TristNantS 11850,16741,17761,etc.; [OresmeDivC p.114; OresmeDivC p.104; DenFoulB1 II,7,12; EvQuenJe 1643; MistHag6S 795; LégDorVignBatallD 756; PassTroyB III,5711]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 13,39; BartschHorning 478,16, BlangezProv p.77; OrelliBibel; PicocheFroiss I.D.2.4.P.34; SchelerGil II,16.17;II,138.12; Trénel; WunderliEschiele 142; WunderliEschiele 45ra9,45rb2, TL 10,645; Gdf 8,68a; AND 813a; AND 824a; FEW 13,2.253b)