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[FEW 7, 358-b lt. OPERATL; TL 11,14; TL; TL 11,14,28; TL 11,14,28; TL 11,14,28; Gdf 5,675b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 5, 574 b; GdfC 10,821c; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND 884b; AND; MED 7, 60 b; DCCarp 291c; DCCarp 291c; DCCarp 287 c, vers 8460, 2467; DCCarp S. 71; DCCarp S. 76; DCCarp 193 a; Gay 197 a; Gay 81 a; TLF 12,433a; FEW 1,103a; FEW; FEW 360a; FEW 14,1a; FEW; FEW; FEW 7, 449-a ovum; FEW; FEW 7, 358-b; FEW FEW 6,3,266b; FEW 360a; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 606; DiStefLoc 605; Foerster; KramerGader; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ALing 7, S 43, S 47; ALing 7/8 (1956) p 43; BJRyL 68,202; BJRyL 68,202; BambeckBoden 82; BambeckBoden 82; CapussoMPol p. 80; ContPerc; ContPerc; CorleyCont1 p215; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 2208,27935; 23233,24488?; 24509,27651; Y 239344, M 31595; CorleyCont2 22081; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; DouëtNArg 3, 16; FSt 33,65; FennisGal S. 1296; GlutzMir 27, 623; GononQuot 2076; Hassell C 236; C 256 + F 89, 148 + M 59 + 024-2628+ V 145; KaiserMPol 137; KaiserMPol 110; KaiserMPol 90; KellerWace 89b, 217a; KellerWace; LabordeGl 30; LabordeGl 267; LevyHagin 1c 33, 1d 6; MA 68,154; MA 68,154; MedAev 29,173ff.; MedAev 29,173; MedAev 64, 211; Messelaar; Messelaar 2, 29; Morlet 230; Morlet 372; Morlet 247; Morlet 258; MélDufournet vv. 5916,5922, S. 338; MénardRire 444-123; MénardRire 657; MénardRire 245; NobelAng p. 126 + p. 10 var. + p. 267 , 288 var.; OrelliBibel; PachnioTaille S. 57; Pck II; Pope 372, 551, 554, 713; R 71,255; R 87, p. 250, 253-254; R 71, p. 526; R 92, 277-78; R 76, p. 426; 85, p. 203; R 89, 107 - 109, 114; RLiR 288; RLiR 59,625; RLiR 30; RLiR 40, 240; RLiR 54, p. 295; RoPh 7,385; RoPh 14, 175; SandahlSea 3,145; SchulzeBusProv 70,174etc.; TilGlan; TilLex; TraLiPhi 31, 230; Trénel; Trénel 265; Trénel 439; Trénel 440; Ziltener 6228, p. 447; ZrP 114,556; ZrP 114, 9560; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 77; [sigle] S. 77 f.; [sigle] S. 78; [sigle] S. 70, 81; S. 81, n. 10; [sigle] S. 84; [sigle] S. 84; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 77-102, 86, 89, 104; [sigle] 165-170.⁠]
(auvre EntreeT 3215, eivres PrêtreJeand/yG 482, 601, eouvre CoutVerdun1M 57, 40, eovers NicBozMorS 128, eovre NicBozMorS, Euevre LMestL, euvre FloreaP; RouH; SGraalIIJosO; AlNeckUtensH p. 244; GuiotProvinsO; JugAmS C 23; BibleGuiotW 724; PBeauvGerJ; SGraalIIIJostO; ChV0146 8; DocHMarneG; DocVosL 118, 5; *1, 21; ArtusS; GilChinP; BibleEntS 3924; BibleEntS 555; MaugisV 4277; RigomerF; chMo190 7; chHM130 41; chHM130 42; ChHM164 8; ChV0120 4; ChV0120 5; ChV0120 5; ChV0120 6; EmpConstPrC 343, 352; MartCanL; OlimB 754; ClefD 156, 2243, 1926; JAntRectD 216; BibleMalkS 5549, 5757; CptRoyF; CptRoyF; CensToulO 24; JoinvW1; AdvndC; AdvndC 65; Taille1313M 33 b; CptRoyM 7300 u.a. o. 7453, 7494, 7558; GeoffrParChronD 530, 7883, 1700 etc.; SGregJeanS; TombChartr1...K XV, 303; MirNDPers1-40P 11 45; BelleHelR 854 a; ChevPapH 5, 5; 22, 11; 67, 33; 87, 29; TristNantS 10289; [AmphYpL2; GaceBuigneB 12, 1715; GastPhébChasseT Prol. 25; GastPhébChasseT 40 - 38; PassTroyB t. II, p. 1134]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339 a; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339 a; NoomenFabl t. 7, 431; NoomenFabl III; ProvM 1069, 1613, 1782, Euvre BibleMacéS; (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg; HenryŒn, euvres BalJosPr1M 34, 18; CoincyI1...K 5 var.; RoselLec; BibleMalkS; RM 1285 03 32 01 55; GouvRoisGauchyM p458; chN 005 3; chN 025 11; [MistSGenisM], evre BenDucF; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C 1093; AlNeckUtensH p. 258; AyeB 2517; GuiotProvinsO; DelIsrE; ModvB2 1339 (m?), 3872, 5485, 7025; RigomerF; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0324 2; EtSLouisV; SimPouilleaB B 3681, 3716, C 2956; ViergeGérH; ViergeGérH p42; MPolRustR; DivMondePerP; JoinvW1; CiNDitB2; [ProstInv S. 57]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl II, Evre RobDiableL; RègleSBenNicH; LMestL; EvNicAgnP, heuvre BibleMacéL 38 217; BibleMacéL 38 937; MirNDPers1-40P 29 1415, Heuvre BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL, heuvres PrêtreJeand/yG 605; SGraalIIIJostO; [SValerM 225; MistSGenisM], hovre chJu002 8; SAudreeS, Hovre BibleMacéL; BibleMacéS3, Hueuvre LMestL, hueve LancPrK, huevre ProvSalSanI; AlexParA IV, var. 1496; BibleGuiotW; LancPrK; YonM 3764; chCOr123 19; docJuBe209 12; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl I, 2/ 288; ReidFabl, Huevre GuiotProvinsO, huevres GautLeuL2 VIII, 61; JoinvW1 1, Huevres GautLeuL2, hure ProvFraunceM, huvre PAbernLumH 4488, male ovre RenR 8900, o(e)vre SBernCantG, obras BlackBookT II p. 236, obre EnanchetF 46,5; EntreeT 13514, oe(u)vre ChevVivM, oeure BrendanPr1W, oeures BrendanPr1W, oeuve [MenagB 173, 15; 232, 11], oeuvre FloreaK 822; BodelNicH 135; ChevVivM B-2 E 369, C 1151; ChevVivM; BibleGuiotW; SGraalIIIJostO; TristPrMé 171, 22; TristPrR; TristPrS; MerlinsR 512, 44; ClercVaudR D 210; GigotPér; BodelFablN I, 72; FevresS; CptRoyM 7715, 7754; GeoffrParChronD; PrunB 17; OvMorB 3, p. 319, 919; BelleHelR 877 a; BelleHelR 877 a; BelleHelR 877 a; 4533; [ProstInv 4986; AmphYpP 82; AalmaR 9.360; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 84]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t. 6, 389; NoomenFabl t. 6, 389; NoomenFabl t. 7. 440; NoomenFabl t. 5, 473; NoomenFabl t. 8, 425; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t.9, 350 a; ProvM 10, 295, 296, 1002, 1027, OEUVRE GuillPalMo; LMestL, oeuvres PrêtreJeand/yG 608; TristPrL 98, 41; 135, 11; CptRoyF; PlacTimT; [SottiesP I, 85, V. 227], Oeuvres [AmphYpL 2], oevre LapidffS 125 D (p. 298); MonGuill1/2C 3860; 2875, 2880, 2897, 2898, 2900; EneasS1 3971, 6441; FloreaW 822; CommPsia1G; ErecR 3622; ErecR 400, 3622, 5303; HornP 568 n-2; 2399 a etc.; CligesG; CligesM 1524, 1527; CligesM 5219; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 188, 1324; EdmK 76, 85; AimonFlH 4293; Saisna/lB 1063; AubereeC 12, 642; BestPierre1M XXXVII, 9; CantLandP 1452, 1467; GuiotProvinsO; JugAmS 188; SGenB; SSilvCroixP 1026; SSilvCroixP 692; BibleGuiotW 217, var.; ChevBarAnL; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; BestGuillR 1210, 3701; Turpin5Wa; BalJosCamA; BlancandS; Bueve1S 8481, 5694, 8102; Bueve2S 1472, 11400, 12419; Bueve3S 1954, 3669, 2369, etc.; GautDargH; OvArtElieK 781; 465 (r); ConstHamelR 297; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrM IV, 45; XXIV, 7; XXIII, 14; OmbreB2 10, 671; MorPhilP 6377; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 6439; ChansArtB; CoincyII10N 485, 773, 1018; ViolB 282, 5462, 6639, etc.; 497; chMo041 4; chMo041 7; TournAntW 1, 3532; ArtusS; FournChansL; GilChinP; BalainL 8; ChastVergiA 6, 356, 665; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR 239, 26; 331, 6; 283, 21, etc.; ImMondeOct1D 2; GautLeuL2 VIII 61; HArciPèresO 276, 407, 1160; 865, 6688, 2752 H; Pères 56, v. 61; Pères43B 84; RigomerF; chdouai0054 2; AldL 4, 17; 24, 28; 102, 10; 101, 3, 4; MahomL 193, 294; chdouai0177 16; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; AnticlC 4. 492; GéomSGenV 473; VMortAnW 190, 12; 296, 5; BrunLatC; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0473a 18; MoamT I, 3, 2; HaginL; HaginL 32 c; AdenBuevH 2177; EvEnfB 537; EvEnfB2; SBath1B; TerrEvêqueH S. 166; TerrEvêqueH S. 166; ChevFustSa 9095; DrouartB 68, 1208, etc.; JobB 102; JobG 432, 1738; JobG 431, 609, 875; RenNouvR 278; PiérardMons t. II, p. 188; R 1295 07 17 01 14; Taille1296M 148; JacBaisT II 52; ChaceOisi2H Prol. 11, 12, 18, 22, 23, 25 gloss.; ChaceOisi2H; LapidPhilB 118, 16; CptRoyM Kopf S. 387, 7326; Kopf S. 398; JCondOisR; RestorD; JMoteRegrS p. 181; JMoteRegrS S. 159; JMoteVoieP 2, 9, 2499, 4090, 4466; [BaudSebB 152; 172; BaudSebC p188; AalmaR 8.520; JPreisMyrG 4830; 7124, 7743, 6026]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 13, 19; 38, 79; 84 a 66; 39, 102. 426; etc.; BartschHorning 252, 10; 343, 17; 549, 22; HenryChrest; HuntTeach; LevyFabl; LevyFabl VI 123; NoomenFabl t..6, 389; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; AngDialGregO2 131, 18405 etc., Oevre RobDiableL; RobDiableL; VillehW; HAndH; HAndH; EmpConstOctC; JMeunVégR 99; ChevFustSa, oevres CligesM 53, 17, 5545, 6325; GuillTyrP 277; Pères10C 209, 215, etc.; ChMe112 7; R 1285 03 32 01 55; JoinvW1 438c, 510 h, etc.; JoinvW1 438 c, 510 h, etc.; chSL 049 3; CptRoyM; [GodBouillBruxR; AalmaR 8.485; LégDorVignBatallD], oiure SBernAn1F 36, 23, oivre FetRomF1 210, 24; BalJosPr1M 55, 35, Oouprus [BibbfW], ore CommPsia1G XLIV, 422, oueivre HuonR 4574, ouere [JohnstonRog 11/26], ouevre AliscG p278; chdouai0461 1; BodelFablN I, 71, Ouevre PèresPrI5/7S; LMestL, ouevres CoincyII1...K 5 var, ouner (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 125, ouvre VengRagF 5700; LancPrM XCI 4; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; SimPouilleaB; BibleMalkS 4171; 5629; JMoteVoieP 1012,2494; RenContrR I 356; [ModusT], Ouvre BibleMacéL, ouvre de laine GlDouaiE1 118, overe ThomKentF 185,1093; 23,2834,2837; TurpinBrianeS; MirourEdmaW 2.7, 2.7, 14.14; MirourEdmaW 2.7; MirourEdmaW 11.63; MirourEdmaW 8.27; CompRalfH v. 716; NicBozCharV; BibleHolkP 49,19,21; 58,9, Overe PurgSPatrBerM; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K, ovra AliscW p. 83 v. 1282; CantLandP 2675; BertaMilC 96,433; MacaireM 435; OgDanAlC 699,735,820,1162,2234, ovre LapidalS 213,980; LapidffS 399C; PhThCompS 1r,28; ProvSalSanI; ChronSMichelB 356,358,391; CommPsia1G p. 4 I; EdConfVatS; RouH; BenDucF; AdamA 843; AdamG3 847; AdamSt 843; EstFougK 376,430,427; MarieFabB; SGillesP 463; SThomBenS 1612,1777; AlexParA I var. 138, 2870; IpH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 93; TristBérG 1121; TristThomB 188,211,464; TristThomW Sn.1 137, 161, 523, 159, 758; Saisna/lB 1068; SermMaurR; AlNeckUtensH p. 244; AlNeckUtensH p. 256; CantLandP 514,999; CantLandP 1300etc.; AiquinJ 1125; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW; FolTristBernH2 16,312,471,476; SEdmPassG 1277,1324,1666; AimeriD 1041,1729,2580; BalJosAnS 8369; FlorenceW 353a,19; MerlinM; LancPrK; GuillMarM; BesantR 110,3744; 2965; ArtusS 243,30; 253,5; MirourEdmaW; ParDuchP 446,3077; ChirRogH f°249v°; PhNovAgesF 16,24,34,90etc.; SermMaccM 202; MenReimsP; MenReimsW; SecrSecrAbernB; MédLiégH 902; SimPouilleaB 957; 1032; YsEudeR 393; GlDouaiE1 119; SThibAlH I 337, II 29,40; SThibAlM 29,40etc., 174,175etc.; SecrSecrPr7B p258; GirRossAlH 5415; ChevPapH; [JPreisMyrG]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest; NoomenFabl t.7, 441; NoomenFabl I 2/B665; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; ParsonsCourt E 248; ProvM 1729, Ovre VillehW, ovre(s) MarieEspP, ovres AlexParA I var. 31, 670; CantLandP 782,980; chHS012 3; chHS012 3; [ProstInv 1172], uere CommPsia1G, ueure BrendanPr1W, ueuvre CantLandP 3431,486,640,2598,3180, ueve LancR 1872; RenclCarH; [GodBouillBruxR], uevre WaceConcA 986; MonGuill1/2C; ThebesC; MarieGuigB 172 Note! p. 243; MarieGuigW2 Pr. 25, G. 172; BenTroieC; ErecR 3899; ErecR 5284; ErecR 2358,5284,5299,6681; PhilomB 472,1101,7,11,18,1204,37; MarieFabW 46,20; 88,8; 37,57,63; MarieFabW2; AlexParA I var. 17, 382; AlexParA I var. 98, 2056; AlexParA II (β 65) 15; AlexParA IV 94,4,51; AimonFlH 7550; Saisna/lB 1123, 4057(L); SBernAn1F 36,23; SermMaurR iii 102; SermMaurR 1,35; 16,22; SermMaurR; SGraalIIJosO; CantLandP 1406,3409; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ContPerc2lC2 p163; GuiotProvinsO 135,139,721; 1957,2076,2396; AmbroiseP 741; 1046; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS 552; FolTristBernH2 304; AimeriD; BlancandS 66,70,691; 381,762,850; 3160; 4502,6399; Bueve2S; DurmG; BanMetzW; BanMetzW t. 7, 558; LancPrK; DolopL; MorPhilP; OrsonP 1369; RenclCarH; ChansArtB XI 3, 15, XII, 52; CoincyII1...K p. 154var.; CoincyII10N 1018; CoincyII9Kr 379; ViolB; DocHMarneG 275,18,20; 130,14,15; 164,7; DocHMarneG *1b,23; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; CPont; GautLeuL2 X 439, X 4440; MaugisV 4900,4966,6892; Pères10C 446; Pères43B; PhNovAgesF; chCOr063 7; ChMa085 15; ChMa085 15; ChMa114 15; ChMa114 16; MenReimsP 462,464,237,155,251; MenReimsW; chCOr123 40; AnticlC 4,649; VMortAnW 299,7; chdouai0460 1; EtSLouisV II 158; III 154; HaginL; AdenBuevH 1737,1588; EmpConstOctC; EnfOgS 181; chHM275 53; chHM275 58; BibleMalkS 5155; CleomH 2974; DrouartB 471,2587,4009,4102; JerusCont2G; JPrioratR; PiérardMons t. II p. 205; BodelFablN; CueillAmB p30; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; JCondM; AcartH 81; docJuBe168 164; docJuBe168 281; docJuBe168 304; docJuBe234 25; [LégDorVignBatallD 74]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 28,121,126,184; LevyFabl; MénardFabl IV 271; NoomenFabl t.6, 398; NoomenFabl t. 9, 363a; NoomenFabl II 6/216, 10/126, 10/A308, 7/273; NoomenFabl t. 5, 482; NoomenFabl t.5, 482; NoomenFabl t.7, 451; NoomenFabl t.7, 451; NoomenFabl t.8, 435; NoomenFabl t.8, 435; NoomenFabl III 16a/54, 19/73; 14/169; 19/211; NoomenFabl 22/49, 38/34; 31/6; 32/36; NoomenFabl 32/127; NoomenFabl 37/F7; NoomenFabl 31/37; ProvM 10,70,174,1144,1408; ReidFabl, Uevre RègleSBenNicH; HAndH; GautLeuL2, UEVRE RenMontdT; LMestL, uevres DurmS 3007,4211; JoinvW1, uuevre SGraalIIJosO, wevre CoincyI11V 1229, 1372, 1426, 1693; CoincyI41/42R 71; MorPhilP; CoincyII1...K 2313 var; CoincyII20/21H; GilChinP; SRemiB 21; ViergeGérH p43; CueillAmB p26; ProprChosMirK, wevres ProprChosMirK)
  • 1o“œuvre” (LapidalS 213,980; LapidffS 399C; LapidffS 125 D (p. 298); PhThCompS 1r,28; WaceConcA 986; MonGuill1/2C 3860; 2875, 2880, 2897, 2898, 2900; MonGuill1/2C; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 3971, 6441; FloreaK 822; FloreaP; FloreaW 822; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 356,358,391; CommPsia1G XLIV, 422; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G p. 4 I; CommPsia1G; MarieGuigB 172 Note! p. 243; MarieGuigW2 Pr. 25, G. 172; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 3899; ErecR 5284; ErecR 2358,5284,5299,6681; ErecR 3622; ErecR 400, 3622, 5303; HornP 568 n-2; 2399 a etc.; PhilomB 472,1101,7,11,18,1204,37; RouH; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucF; AdamA 843; AdamG3 847; AdamSt 843; CligesG; CligesM 1524, 1527; CligesM 5219; CligesM 53, 17, 5545, 6325; EstFougK 376,430,427; LancR 1872; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 188, 1324; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 46,20; 88,8; 37,57,63; MarieFabW2; EdmK 76, 85; SGillesP 463; SThomBenS 1612,1777; AlexParA I var. 31, 670; AlexParA I var. 138, 2870; AlexParA I var. 17, 382; AlexParA I var. 98, 2056; AlexParA II (β 65) 15; AlexParA IV 94,4,51; AlexParA IV, var. 1496; IpH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 93; AimonFlH 7550; AimonFlH 4293; RenR 8900; SBernCantG; ThomKentF 185,1093; 23,2834,2837; TristBérG 1121; TristThomB 188,211,464; TristThomW Sn.1 137, 161, 523, 159, 758; AliscG p278; AliscW p. 83 v. 1282; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C 1093; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; SBernAn1F 36, 23; SBernAn1F 36,23; Saisna/lB 1068; Saisna/lB 1123, 4057(L); Saisna/lB 1063; SermMaurR; SermMaurR iii 102; SermMaurR 1,35; 16,22; SermMaurR; PrêtreJeand/yG 608; PrêtreJeand/yG 605; PrêtreJeand/yG 482, 601; BodelNicH 135; MarieEspP; RenMontdT; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; AlNeckUtensH p. 244; AlNeckUtensH p. 256; AlNeckUtensH p. 258; AlNeckUtensH p. 244; AubereeC 12, 642; AyeB 2517; BestPierre1M XXXVII, 9; CantLandP 514,999; CantLandP 782,980; CantLandP 3431,486,640,2598,3180; CantLandP 1452, 1467; CantLandP 1406,3409; CantLandP 1300etc.; CantLandP 2675; ChevVivM B-2 E 369, C 1151; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ContPerc2lC2 p163; GuiotProvinsO; GuiotProvinsO 135,139,721; 1957,2076,2396; GuiotProvinsO; GuiotProvinsO; GuiotProvinsO; JugAmS 188; JugAmS C 23; SGenB; SSilvCroixP 1026; SSilvCroixP 692; VillehW; VillehW; AiquinJ 1125; AmbroiseP 741; 1046; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW 217, var.; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW 724; ChevBarAnL; ChevBarAnS 552; DelIsrE; FolTristBernH2 16,312,471,476; FolTristBernH2 304; GuillPalMo; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; PèresPrI5/7S; RègleSBenNicH; RègleSBenNicH; SEdmPassG 1277,1324,1666; SGraalIIIJostO; SGraalIIIJostO; SGraalIIIJostO; VengRagF 5700; BestGuillR 1210, 3701; AimeriD 1041,1729,2580; AimeriD; BalJosAnS 8369; FetRomF1 210, 24; FlorenceW 353a,19; MerlinM; Turpin5Wa; BalJosCamA; TurpinBrianeS; BalJosPr1M 55, 35; BalJosPr1M 34, 18; BlancandS 66,70,691; 381,762,850; 3160; 4502,6399; BlancandS; Bueve1S 8481, 5694, 8102; Bueve2S; Bueve2S 1472, 11400, 12419; Bueve3S 1954, 3669, 2369, etc.; DurmG; DurmS 3007,4211; GautDargH; GuillTyrP 277; OvArtElieK 781; 465 (r); BanMetzW; BanMetzW t. 7, 558; ConstHamelR 297; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrM IV, 45; XXIV, 7; XXIII, 14; LancPrM XCI 4; OmbreB2 10, 671; DolopL; CoincyI1...K 5 var.; CoincyI11V 1229, 1372, 1426, 1693; CoincyI41/42R 71; MorPhilP; MorPhilP 6377; MorPhilP; MorPhilP; OrsonP 1369; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; GuillMarM; GuillMarM 6439; BesantR 110,3744; 2965; ChansArtB; ChansArtB XI 3, 15, XII, 52; CoincyII1...K 5 var; CoincyII1...K p. 154var.; CoincyII1...K 2313 var; CoincyII10N 1018; CoincyII10N 485, 773, 1018; CoincyII20/21H; CoincyII9Kr 379; ViolB; ViolB 282, 5462, 6639, etc.; 497; CoutVerdun1M 57, 40; ModvB2 1339 (m?), 3872, 5485, 7025; RoselLec; TristPrL 98, 41; 135, 11; TristPrMé 171, 22; TristPrR; TristPrS; DocHMarneG 275,18,20; 130,14,15; 164,7; DocHMarneG *1b,23; DocHMarneG; DocVosL 118, 5; *1, 21; TournAntW 1, 3532; ArtusS 243,30; 253,5; ArtusS; ArtusS; FournChansL; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; HAndH; HAndH; HAndH; MirourEdmaW 2.7, 2.7, 14.14; MirourEdmaW 2.7; MirourEdmaW 11.63; MirourEdmaW 8.27; MirourEdmaW; ParDuchP 446,3077; PurgSPatrBerM; BalainL 8; ChastVergiA 6, 356, 665; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; ChirRogH f°249v°; MerlinsR 239, 26; 331, 6; 283, 21, etc.; MerlinsR 512, 44; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K; ImMondeOct1D 2; CPont; BibleEntS 3924; BibleEntS 555; ClercVaudR D 210; GautLeuL2 X 439, X 4440; GautLeuL2 VIII 61; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2 VIII, 61; HArciPèresO 276, 407, 1160; 865, 6688, 2752 H; HuonR 4574; MaugisV 4900,4966,6892; MaugisV 4277; PhNovAgesF 16,24,34,90etc.; PhNovAgesF; Pères 56, v. 61; Pères10C 209, 215, etc.; Pères10C 446; Pères43B; Pères43B 84; RigomerF; RigomerF; RigomerF; SAudreeS; SermMaccM 202; EnanchetF 46,5; AldL 4, 17; 24, 28; 102, 10; 101, 3, 4; CompRalfH v. 716; MahomL 193, 294; MenReimsP; MenReimsP 462,464,237,155,251; MenReimsW; MenReimsW; YonM 3764; AnticlC 4. 492; AnticlC 4,649; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; GéomSGenV 473; VMortAnW 190, 12; 296, 5; VMortAnW 299,7; BrunLatC; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; PAbernLumH 4488; SecrSecrAbernB; MoamT I, 3, 2; EtSLouisV II 158; III 154; EtSLouisV; HaginL; HaginL; HaginL 32 c; AdenBuevH 1737,1588; AdenBuevH 2177; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstPrC 343, 352; EvEnfB 537; EvEnfB2; EvNicAgnP; MartCanL; MédLiégH 902; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB; SimPouilleaB 957; 1032; SimPouilleaB B 3681, 3716, C 2956; YsEudeR 393; EnfOgS 181; TerrEvêqueH S. 166; TerrEvêqueH S. 166; OlimB 754; ClefD 156, 2243, 1926; JAntRectD 216; BibleMalkS 5155; BibleMalkS 4171; 5629; BibleMalkS 5549, 5757; BibleMalkS; JMeunVégR 99; SRemiB 21; ChevFustSa 9095; ChevFustSa; CleomH 2974; CptRoyF; CptRoyF; CptRoyF; CensToulO 24; GouvRoisGauchyM p458; GlDouaiE1 119; GlDouaiE1 118; DrouartB 471,2587,4009,4102; DrouartB 68, 1208, etc.; GigotPér; JPrioratR; JerusCont2G; JobB 102; JobG 432, 1738; JobG 431, 609, 875; PlacTimT; RenNouvR 278; SThibAlH I 337, II 29,40; SThibAlM 29,40etc., 174,175etc.; ViergeGérH; ViergeGérH p42; ViergeGérH p43; PiérardMons t. II p. 205; PiérardMons t. II, p. 188; BodelFablN I, 72; BodelFablN I, 71; BodelFablN; CueillAmB p30; CueillAmB p26; Taille1296M 148; MPolRustR; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL 38 217; BibleMacéL 38 937; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS3; DivMondePerP; FevresS; JacBaisT II 52; SecrSecrPr7B p258; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 438c, 510 h, etc.; JoinvW1; JoinvW1 438 c, 510 h, etc.; JoinvW1; JoinvW1; JoinvW1 1; ChaceOisi2H Prol. 11, 12, 18, 22, 23, 25 gloss.; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; LapidPhilB 118, 16; NicBozMorS 128; NicBozMorS; AdvndC; AdvndC 65; BertaMilC 96,433; MacaireM 435; OgDanAlC 699,735,820,1162,2234; Taille1313M 33 b; CptRoyM 7715, 7754; CptRoyM Kopf S. 387, 7326; Kopf S. 398; CptRoyM; CptRoyM 7300 u.a. o. 7453, 7494, 7558; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 530, 7883, 1700 etc.; JCondM; JCondOisR; PrunB 17; CiNDitB2; OvMorB 3, p. 319, 919; BibleHolkP 49,19,21; 58,9; EntreeT 13514; EntreeT 3215; ProvFraunceM; SGregJeanS; RestorD; AcartH 81; GirRossAlH 5415; TombChartr1...K XV, 303; ProprChosMirK; ProprChosMirK; JMoteRegrS p. 181; JMoteRegrS S. 159; MirNDPers1-40P 11 45; MirNDPers1-40P 29 1415; BlackBookT II p. 236; JMoteVoieP 2, 9, 2499, 4090, 4466; JMoteVoieP 1012,2494; RenContrR I 356; BelleHelR 877 a; BelleHelR 877 a; BelleHelR 877 a; 4533; BelleHelR 854 a; ChevPapH; ChevPapH 5, 5; 22, 11; 67, 33; 87, 29; TristNantS 10289; [GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; ModusT; ProstInv 4986; ProstInv 1172; ProstInv S. 57; AmphYpL 2; AmphYpL2; AmphYpP 82; BaudSebB 152; 172; BaudSebC p188; AalmaR 9.360; AalmaR 8.520; AalmaR 8.485; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 84; GaceBuigneB 12, 1715; JohnstonRog 11/26; GastPhébChasseT Prol. 25; GastPhébChasseT 40 - 38; JPreisMyrG 4830; 7124, 7743, 6026; JPreisMyrG; MenagB 173, 15; 232, 11; BibbfW; SottiesP I, 85, V. 227; SValerM 225; LégDorVignBatallD; LégDorVignBatallD 74; MistSGenisM; MistSGenisM; PassTroyB t. II, p. 1134]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 131, 18405 etc.; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland 28,121,126,184; Aspland; BartschChrest 13, 19; 38, 79; 84 a 66; 39, 102. 426; etc.; BartschHorning 252, 10; 343, 17; 549, 22; DouëtNArg; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryŒn; HuntTeach; LevyFabl; LevyFabl; LevyFabl VI 123; MénardFabl IV 271; NoomenFabl t. 6, 389; NoomenFabl t. 6, 389; NoomenFabl t.7, 441; NoomenFabl t. 7. 440; NoomenFabl t. 5, 473; NoomenFabl t. 8, 425; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl I 2/B665; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t.6, 398; NoomenFabl t..6, 389; NoomenFabl t.9, 350 a; NoomenFabl t. 9, 363a; NoomenFabl II 6/216, 10/126, 10/A308, 7/273; NoomenFabl t. 5, 482; NoomenFabl t.5, 482; NoomenFabl t.7, 451; NoomenFabl t.7, 451; NoomenFabl t.8, 435; NoomenFabl t.8, 435; NoomenFabl III 16a/54, 19/73; 14/169; 19/211; NoomenFabl 22/49, 38/34; 31/6; 32/36; NoomenFabl 32/127; NoomenFabl 37/F7; NoomenFabl 31/37; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339 a; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339 a; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl I, 2/ 288; NoomenFabl t. 7, 431; NoomenFabl III; ParsonsCourt E 248; ProvM 10, 295, 296, 1002, 1027; ProvM 1729; ProvM 10,70,174,1144,1408; ProvM 1069, 1613, 1782; RecHist 125; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl, ALing 7, S 43, S 47; ALing 7/8 (1956) p 43; BJRyL 68,202; BJRyL 68,202; BambeckBoden 82; BambeckBoden 82; CapussoMPol p. 80; ContPerc; ContPerc; CorleyCont1 p215; CorleyCont2 22081; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 2208,27935; 23233,24488?; 24509,27651; Y 239344, M 31595; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; DouëtNArg 3, 16; FSt 33,65; FennisGal S. 1296; GlutzMir 27, 623; GononQuot 2076; Hassell C 236; C 256 + F 89, 148 + M 59 + 024-2628+ V 145; KaiserMPol 137; KaiserMPol 110; KaiserMPol 90; KellerWace; KellerWace 89b, 217a; LabordeGl 30; LabordeGl 267; LevyHagin 1c 33, 1d 6; MA 68,154; MA 68,154; MedAev 29,173ff.; MedAev 29,173; MedAev 64, 211; Messelaar 2, 29; Messelaar; Morlet 372; Morlet 247; Morlet 230; Morlet 258; MélDufournet vv. 5916,5922, S. 338; MénardRire 657; MénardRire 245; MénardRire 444-123; NobelAng p. 126 + p. 10 var. + p. 267 , 288 var.; OrelliBibel; PachnioTaille S. 57; Pck II; Pope 372, 551, 554, 713; R 87, p. 250, 253-254; R 71, p. 526; R 92, 277-78; R 76, p. 426; 85, p. 203; R 71,255; R 89, 107 - 109, 114; RLiR 40, 240; RLiR 54, p. 295; RLiR 59,625; RLiR 30; RLiR 288; RoPh 14, 175; RoPh 7,385; SandahlSea 3,145; SchulzeBusProv 70,174etc.; TilGlan; TilLex; TraLiPhi 31, 230; Trénel 265; Trénel; Trénel 440; Trénel 439; Ziltener 6228, p. 447; ZrP 114, 9560; ZrP 114,556; [sigle] S. 77; [sigle] S. 77 f.; [sigle] S. 78; [sigle] S. 70, 81; S. 81, n. 10; [sigle] S. 84; [sigle] S. 84; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 77-102, 86, 89, 104; [sigle] 165-170; [sigle], TL 11,14,28; TL; TL; TL 11,14,28; TL 11,14; TL 11,14,28; Gdf; Gdf 5, 574 b; Gdf 5,675b; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 10,821c; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND 884b; MED 7, 60 b; DCCarp 287 c, vers 8460, 2467; DCCarp 291c; DCCarp 291c; DCCarp S. 71; DCCarp S. 76; DCCarp 193 a; Gay 81 a; Gay 197 a; TLF 12,433a; FEW 7, 449-a ovum; FEW; FEW 7, 358-b; FEW 1,103a; FEW; FEW 360a; FEW 14,1a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 360a; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 606; DiStefLoc 605; Foerster; KramerGader; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
    • “œuvre de musique (?)” (FEW FEW 6,3,266b)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChV0146 8; chMo041 4; chMo041 7; chJu002 8; chdouai0054 2; ChMa058 10; ChMe112 7; chCOr063 7; ChMa085 15; ChMa085 15; chMo190 7; chHS012 3; chHS012 3; ChMa114 15; ChMa114 16; chdouai0177 16; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 28; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chHM130 41; chHM130 42; chCOr123 19; chCOr123 40; ChHM164 8; chdouai0324 2; ChV0120 4; ChV0120 5; ChV0120 5; ChV0120 6; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0461 1; chdouai0473a 18; chHM275 53; chHM275 58; R 1285 03 32 01 55; RM 1285 03 32 01 55; R 1295 07 17 01 14; chN 005 3; chSL 049 3; chN 025 11; docJuBe168 164; docJuBe168 281; docJuBe168 304; docJuBe209 12; docJuBe234 25)
Cf. ANDEl ovre1; DMF2009 oeuvre.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
uevrete f.
[TL; TL 6,1458,21; TLF 12, S. 434 a; FEW 7, 363-a. – NM p. 139; 49-50; R 80, p. 529.⁠]
(oevrete SJérEp22N)
  • “petite œuvre” (SJérEp22N, NM p. 139; 49-50; R 80, p. 529, TL; TL 6,1458,21; TLF 12, S. 434 a; FEW 7, 363-a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
maluevre f.
(Malevre EvNicAgnP, malevres CoincyI1K)
  • “méfait” (CoincyI1K; EvNicAgnP)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
belle-euvre f.
[DCCarp S.71.⁠]
  • “pelleterie apprêtée ou ouvrée” (DCCarp S.71)